
 Prefixes are used to change the meaning of a word. A syllable word or group of syllables added to the beginning of a word. Prefixes help to add meaning to words and make it possible to create new words that are easily understood everywhere. Understanding a few prefix examples will help you understand the logic of new words and use them appropriately.

For example, consider the prefix de-. This prefix means getting something back.  It is usually added to a verb.  You can then activate the verb. Likewise, you can parse, add to other verbs.

Anti-AgainstAntifreeze, antithesis
De-OppositeDecode, decompose
Dis-Not, opposite ofDisconnect, disembark
Em-Cause toEmbrace, emphasis
En-Cause toEncode, encounter
Fore-BeforeForecast, foresight
In-Ä°nInfield, infiltrate
In-, im-, il-, ir-NotInjustice, impossible, irregular
Inter-BetweenInternational, interact
Mid-MiddleMidday, midway
Mis-WronglyMisfire, misunderstand
Non-NotNonsense, nonexist
Over-OverOverlook, overdue
Pre-BeforePrefix, preschool
Re-AgainRegain, return, rebuild
Semi-HalfSemifinal, semicircle
Sub-UnderSubeditor, subterranean
Super-Above,Superman, superstar
Trans-AcrossTransatlantic, transport
Un-NotUnfriendly, unsatisfied
Under-UnderUnderstand, undersea


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