Online Education


          Online Education


Now we are living in the age of a technology-based world. Our education system is getting the touch of technology day by day. Online Education System is an alternative option for the traditional method. Now it is becoming popular and trends in our country as well as throughout the world. The highly advanced technology-based nations of the world already entered online education methods. Nowadays many universities and educational institutes are shifting towards the online learning pattern. They share their curriculum and the whole syllabus online. Online education is necessary for the people who are working and want to complete their studies from home. In an online system, students can attend classes from home. Many institutes serve their studies online for free or at a little cost.The online class system is very fruitful for the students in emergency issues. In Bangladesh, online class is not still available, especially in the rural areas. Poor networking system is the main reason for it. Besides, most of the teachers of our country aren’t used to carry online classes. They feel more comfortable with the formal teaching-learning system. In the Online Education System student activities can not be monitored like schools and colleges. Online classes may cause health hazards such as headaches, eye sight problems, etc. In spite of some demerits, the online learning system has been introduced us to a new era of education. We should welcome the system.

Prepared by Noor E Alam Sir

University of Dhaka


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