
Showing posts from June, 2022


  1. Falacy/ misconception ভুল ধারণা 2. Utopia কল্পরাজ্য যেখানে সবকিছু সুন্দরভাবে চলে 3. Peevish/ irritating বিরক্তিকর 4. Defy অমান্য করা 5. Credulous/ gullible সহজেই বিশ্বাস করে এমন ব্যক্তি 6. Demise মৃত্যু 7. Untoward অবাঞ্চিত 8. Omnipotent সর্বশক্তিমান 9. Omniscient সর্বজ্ঞ 10. Omnipresent সর্বত্র বিরাজমান 11. Procrastination দীর্ঘসূত্রতা/ গড়িমসি 12. Profound অসীম, গভীর, অগাধ 13. Unprecedented অভূতপূর্ব 14. Dissertation প্রবন্ধ/ নিবন্ধ 15. Sedentary কাজের অভাবে অলসভাবে বসে থাকা 16. Monotonous একঘেয়ে 17. Snarl চিৎকার করা 18. Twist জট পাকানো/ ঝামেলা 19. Entangled জড়িয়ে যাওয়া 20. Recuperate আরোগ্য লাভ করা/ 21. পুনরুদ্ধার করা regain, restore 22. Insipid নীরস 📚ইংরেজিতে দুর্বল হলে "Basic English Course" আগে করে নেওয়া ভালো। তারপর Advanced English and IELTS কোর্স করা হবে আপনার জন্য wise decision. এভাবে এগিয়ে যেতে হবে ইনশাআল্লাহ। ✏️✒️ভর্তি হতে ও বিস্তারিত জানতে ফোন করুন এই নাম্বারে: Hopeland> 01750044274

Tips and tricks for writing Q/A

  ইংরেজিতে প্রশ্নোত্তর লেখার কিছু সাধারণ গাইডলাইন (Some common guidelines to write down the answers to the questions in English) 1. প্রশ্ন (Questions) যদি Do/ Does দিয়ে শুরু হয় তবে উত্তর (Answers) লেখার সময় do/ does উঠে যাবে এবং প্রশ্নটিকে Assertive sentence এ পরিনত করতে হবে। Does দিয়ে শুরু হলে উত্তর লেখার সময় subject এর পরে verb এর সাথে s/es/ies যুক্ত হবে। Negative sentence হলে Subject এর পরে don't/ doesn't এবং মূল Verb এর present form হবে। Subject যদি Third person singular number ( He, she, it, Faisal, Sneha, Dhaka, The boy, The girl..) হয় তবে মূল verb এর সাথে s,es, ies যুক্ত হয়।  যেমন: (i). Why do you love cricket? Answer: I love cricket because it gives me immense pleasure. (ii). Does she love cricket? Answer: Yes, she loves cricket a lot./ No, she doesn't./ No, she doesn't love cricket. (iii). Do you play football? Answer: Yes, I do./ Yes, I play football./ No, I don't./ No, I don't play football. 2. প্রশ্ন যদি Did দিয়ে শুরু হয় তবে Answer লেখার সময...

Synonyms for BCS and Academic English

 📚গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু সমার্থক শব্দ (Synonyms) যেগুলো প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ১০ম থেকে ৪০তম বিসিএস এর সকল Synonym এবং Antonym একসাথে: Synonyms: Appall (মর্মাহত করা/আতঙ্কিত করা) --- dismay (আতংকিত করা) [৪০তম] Franchise (ভোটাধিকার) ---- privilege (নাগরিক অধিকার) [৩৮তম] Appended (যোগ করা) ---- joined (যোগ করা) [৩৭তম বিসিএস] Alluring (লোভনীয়)---- tempting (প্রলুব্ধকর) [৩৭তম] proviso (শর্ত) ----Stipulation (শর্ত) [৩৭তম] venerate (সম্মান করা) ---- Respect (সম্মান করা) [৩৬তম] Initiative (উদ্যোগ)---- enterprise (উদ্যোগ) [৩৫তম] Exponentialy (দ্রুতগতিতে) ----- Rapidly (দ্রুতগতিতে) [৩৫তম] periphery (শেষ সীমানা, প্রান্ত) ---- Marginal areas (প্রান্তিক এলাকাসমূহ) [৩৫তম] Authoritarian (স্বৈরশাসক) ---- Autocratic (স্বৈরাচারী)[৩১তম] permissive (স্বাধীনচেতা) ---- liberal (উদার) [৩২তম] Succumb (দাখিল করা) ---- submit (দাখিল করা) [৩৩তম] Extempore (পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন) ----- Impromptu (পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন)[৩২তম] Menacing (ভীতিকর) ---- Alarming (ভীতিকর) [৩২তম] Courteous (ভদ্র) ---- g...

Important connectors for SSC & HSC

Sentence connectors/ Sentence linkers:  Connect means join বা যুক্ত করা। They are conjunctions. The words or phrases which connect or link the sentences to make them meaningful are called connectors or linkers. যেসব word বা phrase. linkers হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় সেগুলো হলো : 1. Sub-ordinating conjunction : that, so that, in order that, it, whether, though, although, since, as, in order to etc. 2. Co-ordinating conjunction : and, but, or, therefore, as well as, as soon as, both, and, yet, still, either..or, neither.. nor, so, otherwise, while, whereas, not only...but also, both...and, so...that, no sooner... that etc. Rule-1: কোনো বর্ণনার ধারাবাহিকতা বা ঘটনাক্রম বোঝাতে সাধারণত যেসব Linkers ব্যবহৃত হয়- * At first , firstly, in the first place, at the beginning... * Secondly, thirdly,... finally. * At last, lastly, in the end, to conclude...finally. * next, after that, then, afterword... ইত্যাদি Example : If you want to do well in the examination, you have to certain things. At first you...


  📚340 Words--শুধু শব্দের অর্থ জানলেই হবেনা এদের সঠিক ব্যবহারও জানতে হবে ! 📘নিজেকে এগিয়ে রাখূন!! ❤️✒️ইংরেজিতে Smartly, fluently, effectively, easily and correctly কথা বলতে চাইলে বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ (Antonyms) বেশি বেশি জানতে হবে এবং যথাযথ ব্যবহার (proper utilisation) জানতে হবে । 📚গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু বিপরীত শব্দ (Antonyms- Opposite meaning ) 1. Noble - ignoble 2. Happy - unhappy  3. Import - export  4. Interior- exterior  5. Maximum - minimum 6. Include - exclude 7. Junior - senior 8. Above - below 9. Majority - minority 10. Optimist - pessimist 11. Superior - inferior 12. Accept - refuse 13. Civilized - uncivilized/savage/barbaric 14. Big - small 15. Acquire - lose 16. Ancient - modern 17. Agree - disagree 18. Alive - dead 19. Barren - fertile 20. Admire - despise 21. Blunt - sharp 22. Bold - timid 23. Bright - dim/dull 24. Broad - narrow 25. Care - neglect 26. Confess - deny 27. Cool - warm 28. Best - worst 29. Energetic- lethargic 30. Clean  - dirty 31. Cruel -...

Important Synonyms

  আজকের ৭১ ! নিজেকে এগিয়ে রাখূন! ❤️✒️ইংরেজিতে Smartly and correctly কথা বলতে চাইলে সমার্থক শব্দ (Synonyms) বেশি বেশি জানতে হবে এবং যথাযথ ব্যবহার (proper utilisation) জানতে হবে । 📚গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু সমার্থক শব্দ ! শ্রদ্ধেয়= Respectable, Honourable, valued, august, venerable, reverend বদমাইশ= Nefarious, knave, impish, scoundrel, villain মূল্যবান= Valuable, precious, costly, useful, beneficial, চমৎকার= Excellent, superb, outstanding, splendid. আন্তরিক= Cordial, friendly, affectionate, warm-hearted. আকর্ষণীয়= Attractive, cute, adorable, pretty, catchy, appealing বিরক্তিকর= Boring, tedious, dull, disgusting, annoying, irritating বিখ্যাত= Famous, popular, well known, prominent, famed, celebrated কুখ্যাত= Notorious, raffish, infamous, egregious মন্দ/খারাপ= Bad, inferior, unsatisfactory, nasty, imperfect. সুখী/আনন্দিত= Happy, cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial ধৈর্যশীল= Patient, tolerant, calm, forbearing, persistent, বোকা/নির্বোধ= Silly, foolish, stupid, unintellig...

Lecture sheet on Proverbs

        ✒️❤️Proverb- প্রবাদ নেংটার নেই বাটপারের ভয়। A beggar has nothing to lose. ক্ষমা কর ও ভুলে যাও । Forgive and forget. সময় এবং নদীর স্রোত কারো জন্য অপেক্ষা করে না। Time and tide wait for none. বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত  A bolt from the blue. চোর পালালে বুদ্ধি বাড়ে। After meat comes the mustard. ছেড়ে দে মা কেঁদে বাঁচি। Don't nag me, and leave me in peace. অসময়ের বন্ধুই প্রকৃত বন্ধু A friend in need is a friend indeed. যেমন কর্ম, তেমন ফল। As you sow, so you reap. টাকায় টাকা আনে। Money begets money. ভাবিয়া  করিও কাজ, করিয়া ভাবিও না Look before you leap. আয় বুঝে ব্যয় করো Cut your coat according to your cloth. কাটা ঘায়ে নুনের ছিটে । To add insult to injury. নিজের পায়ে নিজে কুড়াল মারা। To dig one’s own grave. সবুরে মেওয়া ফলে/ ধৈর্য্য ধরা কষ্টের কিন্তু এর ফল মিষ্টি Patience is bitter but its fruitis is sweet সঙ্গদোষে লোহা ভাসে  A man is known by the company he keeps গাছে কাঁঠাল গোঁফে তেল । Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched . বিন্দু ...

Preposition Lecture sheet

    English নূরে আলম স্যার University of Dhaka Ex Lecturer: BIT & South Point Cell number: 01750044274 1. 📚নিম্নের শব্দগুলোর পর Preposition 'to' বসে। detrimental, incline, harmful, beneficial, injurious, according, accustomed, add, admit, affectionate, attend, bar, cling, belong, close, commit, common, known, confined, congenial, contrary, dedicate, devote, expose, exceptional, yield, grateful, hostile, indebted, introduced, irrelevant, liable, loyal,object, prefer, preferable, senior,junior, inferior, superior, talk, adjacent, adhere, stick, next, prone, refer, reply, speak, lead, eager,willing, indifferent, attentive, married, known, with a view to, look forward to 2. 📚নিম্নের শব্দ গুলোর পর in বসে। expert, excel, indulge, succeed, believe, faith, assist, interested, consist (নিহিত অর্থে), lie, encourage, grory, persist, rich, trade. 3. 📚 নিম্নের শব্দ গুলোর পর from বসে। refrain, resist, abstain, prohibited, protect, prevent, preserve, aloof, different, s...

Online Education

                     Online Education ................................................................... Now we are living in the age of a technology-based world. Our education system is getting the touch of technology day by day. Online Education System is an alternative option for the traditional method. Now it is becoming popular and trends in our country as well as throughout the world. The highly advanced technology-based nations of the world already entered online education methods. Nowadays many universities and educational institutes are shifting towards the online learning pattern. They share their curriculum and the whole syllabus online. Online education is necessary for the people who are working and want to complete their studies from home. In an online system, students can attend classes from home. Many institutes serve their studies online for free or at a little cost.The online class system is very fruitful for the ...

Facebook: Merits and Demerits

 Facebook is a networking site, which connects people all over the world, making the Earth a global village. This social networking giant was launched by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends. The website mainly aims at connecting people or helps them socialise and makes its revenue out of advertising. A lot of teachers today feel that since the usage of facebook is very familiar with students across the globe, it may prove to provide an upper hand in their education, if used properly. Teachers and students may become facebook friends. That is way, teachers may know a lot about their students personally. The student teacher interaction which may not be plausible in the classroom may be made possible online. Teachers and students can post study related videos and articles on their wall, for other students to view and learn. If students and teachers are facebook friends, students will be able to ask doubts any time and get clarified based on the availability of the staff online. If the top...


  There is no unmixed blessing on earth. Everything has its advantages  and disadvantages. Similarly TV has some advantages and disadvantages.Television is considered a vast media for communication. It is at the same time considered a media running in everyone’s home carrying misinformation. Likewise, there are so many debates on the advantages and disadvantages of television. Television carries the news from one corner of the world to another at the same time it carries so many unwanted programmes. The educational programmes in television are innumerable. Lots of programmes are available on science and technology. Current news is made available with audio and visuals through television. Many learning programmes and social programmes are also telecasted in many channels. This will be a great way to motivate people to know and excel in their field of expertise. Women at home rely on television as their best companion. Women today at home cannot imagine a day without television....

City life Vs Rural life

 There is no unmixed blessing on earth. Everything has its merits and demerits. Similarly city life has some demerits than merits. 1-Pollution: Air is more polluted in a city. It gets polluted in many ways, people cannot breath in pure air. Besides this, there are water pollution and sound pollution. 2-Higher standard of living: In a city the standard of living is costlier and higher, people of limited income lead income their life through much hardship, the price of things are very higher. 3-More violence and crime: More violence and crime take place in a city, the criminals do not hesitate to commit crime, violence, killing, hijacking and so many crimes and anti-social activities. 4-More in secured life: Life in a city is more in secures. People have no safety and security, less scope of enjoying of natural beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on the earth below. He cannot hear the sweet songs of birds. 5-More traffic jam: Sometimes people in a city get stuck in a traffic jam ...

Passage Narration for Practice

  1.  “May I come in, sir?” said the guardian. “Yes, come in, please,” said the Headmaster. The guardian said, “We, all the guardians along with you must do something for the betterment of our children. They are losing their morality.” The Headmaster said, “Let’s plan something for their betterment.” Answer: The guardian respectfully asked the Headmaster if he might go in. The Headmaster replied in the affirmative and requested him to go in. Then the guardian said that they, all the guardians along with he had to do something for the betterment of their children. He added that they were losing their morality. So, the Headmaster suggested that they should plan something for their betterment. 2. “Good morning, students “said the teacher. “How are you?” “We are fine, Sir. What about you?” “I am fine too. Please sit down.” “Have you prepared your lesson?” the teacher asked. “Sorry, sir, we have not prepared our lesson,” they replied. Answer: The teacher wished the students good mo...

Affirmative to Negative

  Affirmative to Negative sentences for JSC/ SSC/ HSC Exam Affirmative Sentences To  Negative Sentences ...................... A computer is a blessing earth. A computer is nothing but a blessing on earth. A frugal man dislikes spending money without reasons. A frugal man does not like to spend money without reasons. A good student should be conscious of politics. A good student should not be unconscious of politics. A great man like him is very rare. A great man like him is not always seen A healthy man is an asset to his family. A healthy man is not a liability to his family. A life with an assignment is an actual life. A life without an assignment is not  an actual life. A man who leads an idle life brings misery for his life. A man who leads an idle life does not bring prosperity for his life. A mother always remains with her child. A mother never discards her child. A spinster stopped before him. A young woman who was not married stopped before him. A tea stall is cr...