মহাবিশ্ব (Universe)! কত অজানা রে!!


মহাবিশ্ব (Universe)! কত অজানা রে!!

💚Solar system (সৌরজগৎ): Sun, moon,মহাবিশ্ব (Universe)!  earth, comets (ধুমকেতু), asteroids (গ্রহাণু), planets (গ্রহ), stars (নক্ষত্র, তাঁরা)

√ There are eight planets in our solar system. They are Mercury (বুধ), Venus ( শুক্র), Earth ( পৃথিবী), Mars ( মঙ্গল), Jupiter (বৃহস্পতি), Saturn (শনি), Uranus (ইউরেনাস), Neptune (নেপচুন).

✓ Our Planet " The 🌎 Earth " is in "Milky Way" Galaxy. The Milky Way gets its name from a Greek myth about the goddess Hera who sprayed milk across the sky.

✔️Surface/ outside temperature of the sun is 6000 degree Celsius and inside/ core temperature is 15000000 ( 15 million degree Celsius)

✔️Diameter of the sun is 1390000km ( thirteen lakh ninety thousand km).

✔️Distance from the sun to the earth 150 million km. (15 crore km)

✔️Speed of light : 300,000 km/ second

✔️The moon takes 27 days 8 hours to orbit the earth .

✔️The earth takes 365 days 6 hours to complete one revolution round the sun.

✔️The sun is 13 lacs time greater than the earth

✔️The Earth is around 3.5 times the diameter of the Moon;

✔️The Sun is approximately 100 times the diameter of the Earth

✔️Sun is around 350 times the diameter of the Moon

✔️ The moon is 3,84,400 km away from the earth.
✔️ Diameter of earth is 12742 km
✔️Diameter of the sun 1300000 km( 13 lacs)
✔️ Diameter of moon is 3474.2 km
✔️Sun is 100 times bigger than the earth
✔️Earth is 4 times bigger than the moon
✔️Sun is 400 times bigger than the moon

√ Pluto is called dwarf planet.

√Venus (শুক্র) is  the brightest planet in the solar system.

√ Alpha Centauri is the closest star system and closest planetary system to Earth's Solar System at 4.37 light-years from the Sun.

Prepared 😉 by Noor E Alam


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