Completing Stories: The Lion and the Mouse


Completing Stories:

The Lion and the Mouse

Once in a big forest there lived a big and mighty lion. He thought himself to be the king of forest. One day the lion was sleeping beside his den. Beside the lion a little mouse was playing cheerfully. While playing, the mouse climbed on the lion’s body. The lion felt disturbed and caught hold of the tiny creature.

He attempted to eat up the mouse. The mouse felt very afraid and begged for his life. He also promised of his help if the lion would fall into any danger in future. The lion laughed at his words but set him free thinking that it was very funny creature.

After some days, the lion was roaming in the forest. Suddenly he fell into a trap set by some hunters. He tried heart and soul to get out of the net but in vain. He was roaring in a loud voice for help. The little mouse heard the roar of the lion. He thought that the lion must have fallen in a trouble.

He at once started running following the sound. After a while he found the lion trapped into a net. The mouse began to cut the net with his sharp teeth. Within a short time the lion was outside the trap. The mighty lion became so grateful to the little mouse that tears came into his eyes. He then believed that even a little mouse can save the life of such a mighty lion. Then he heard the sound of the hunters approaching them. The lion took his great friend on his back and left the place quickly.


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