
Showing posts from July, 2021

Love and Help Children

 Unseen passage for practice! Love and Help Children In a busy bus station, there is a little girl sitting all alone on a bench. She stares at the floor as all the busy travelers rush around her. She does not move. Some of the people are in such a big hurry that they do not notice her. Other people look at her, but they think, "She is not my daughter. She is someone else's responsibility. I am sure her mother and father must be close." They continue running to where they need to go. After some time, a man stops next to the girl. He is very tired after a long day of work, and he just wants to get to his home as quickly as possible so that he can be with his family. But he cannot just leave this little girl alone. He cannot see her parents anywhere. The little girl is no older than his own little daughter! The man walks up the girl. "Hello," he says. "Are you all right? Are your parents here with you?" The little girl does not even look up at him. He gen...


 প্রয়োজনীয় Translation! তুমিই পারো। It is you who can. কিছুই না। - Next to nothing. তোমার সাথে দেখা হয়ে ভালো লাগছে। - Nice to meet you. বাচাল হওয়ার কারণে তাকে কেউ পছন্দ করে না - Nobody likes him because of being talkative আদৌ নয়। - Not at all. সন্তোষজনক নয়। - Not satisfactory. ও কিছু না/ দুঃচিন্তা করো না। - Not to worry/ Don’t worry. কোন কিছুই ফেলানোর নয়। - Nothing is worthless. বিশেষ কিছুই নয়। - Nothing special. উহ আচ্ছা বুঝছি। - Oh I see. ধ্যাৎতেরি! - Oh shit! কোন বিষয় কেউ কাউকে ভাল বলার জবাবে। - Oh thanks. It’s kind of you to say so. ঐ দেখ, ভুলেই গিয়েছিলাম। - Oh, I forgot to mention. আহ! এটা আমার দোষ। - Oh, it’s my fault. ওহ, ওটা নষ্ট হয়ে গেছে - Oh, that’s rotten ও, আচ্ছা, আর। - Oh, yes. ঠিক আছে, এই ব্যাপারটা নিয়ে পরে কথা বলবো - Okay, let’s talk more about that later on আমাদের আজ প্রধান লক্ষ্য হলো... - Our main aim today is to … আমাদের মধ্যে মন কষাকষি চলছে - Our relations are strained জনগন খুব কম সময়ই দুর্নীতিগ্রস্থ নেতা নির্বাচন করে - People hardly elected corrupted leader অস...

Few, a few, the few

  ⭐Few, a few the few-এর ব্যবহার:  1. Few= অর্থ ‘বেশী সংখ্যক নয়’ (না-বোধক বুঝায়)। 2. A few= অর্থ ‘অনির্দিষ্ট কিছু সংখ্যক’ (হা-বোধক বুঝায়)। 3. The few= অর্থ  ’নির্দিষ্ট সংখ্যক’। Few, a few ও the few এর ব্যবহার: Few  a few ও  the few হচ্ছে determiner.  এগুলোকে কোন Noun শব্দের পূর্বে  ব্যবহার করা হয় Noun-এর সংখ্যা বুঝাতে।  Few, a few ও the few-এর অর্থ ও ব্যবহার:  Few, a few ও the few-এর সবার অর্থ সাধারণভাবে ‘অল্প সংখ্যক’ বা ‘কম সংখ্যক’। এদের অর্থ ‘অল্প সংখ্যক’ বা ‘কম সংখ্যক’ হলেও তাদের একে অপরের মধ্যে বেশ পার্থক্য রয়েছে। তাই, আমরা জেনে নেই এরা বাক্যে কিভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, এবং কি বুঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়। 1. Few শব্দের অর্থ ’খুবই কম সংখ্যক’ (ব্যক্তি, বস্তু বা অন্য কোন কিছু, যা সংখ্যায় গণনা করা যায়)। পক্ষান্তরে, ‘a few’-এর অর্থ ’অনির্দিষ্ট কিছু সংখ্যক’ (ব্যক্তি, বস্তু বা অন্য কোন কিছু, যা সংখ্যায় গণনা করা যায়)। যেমন: Amreen has few friends= আমরিনের প্রায় নাই বললেই চলে এমন কয়জন বন্ধু আছে। She made few mistakes this time= এবার সে বেশী ভুল  করে নাই। 2. F...

Allah Loves Those Who Love the Mankind

  Unseen Comprehension:  TITLE: Allah Loves Those Who Love the Mankind A pious man named Abu Bin Adham was very good and honest. One night Abu said has prayers and after that he found an angel writing in a book of gold. He then asked the angel what he was writing. The angel told him that he was making a list of those who love the lord. Abu asks whether his name was on the list. He’s told that it is not. Abu became very frustrated and asked why his name was not there. The angel said, ‘The list includes those who love the mankind. A man maybe dishonest and tell lies always, no matter you should love them. You should not discriminate between rich and poor, white and black, believes and non-believers. Allah loves those who love his creation. A man may be wicked but he is also created by the same Allah who has created a good man. Abu realized his fault that he was not well behaved though he was honest and sincere. His mind was full of repentance and took a bow that he would never b...

Affirmative to negative

  Transformation of Sentences Affirmative to negative: Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → Replaced by → None but(person)/ nothing but(things)/ not more than or not less than(number) Ex: Aff: Only Allah can help us. Neg: None but Allah can help us. Aff: He has only a computer. Neg: He has nothing but a computer. Aff: He has only twenty taka. Neg: He has not more than twenty taka. Rule 2: Must → Replaced by → Cannot but/ Cannot help+ (v+ing). Ex: Aff: We must obey our parents. Neg: we cannot but obey our parents/ we cannot help obeying our parents. Rule 3: Both—-and → Replaced by → not only —- but also. Ex: Aff: Both Dipa and Sneha were excited. Neg: Not only Dipa but also Sneha were excited. Rule 4: and ( if join two words) → Replaced by → Not only —– but also. Ex: aff: He was obedient and gentle. Neg: He was not only obedient but also gentle. Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → Replaced by → There is no + attached word + but. Ex: Aff: Every mother loves...

Assertive to Interrogative

  Assertive to interrogative Rule 1: অর্থের পরিবর্তন না করে সাহায্যকারী verb যুক্ত Assertive sentence কে interrogative এ রুপান্তর করার সময় sentence টি যদি affirmative হয় তাহলে – Auxiliary verb + n’t + subject + বাকী + ? Note- assertive এ will, can, shall, am থাকলে interrogative এ রুপান্তর করার সময় won’t, can’t, shan’t, ain’t হয়. Assertive  – She is in the school. Interrogative  – Isn’t she in the school? Assertive  – We can do the work. Interrogative  – Can’t we do the work? Rule 2: Auxiliary verb যুক্ত negative অর্থবোধক Assertive sentence কে interrogative এ রুপান্তর করার সময় negative উঠে যায়। এবং সাহায্যকারী verb প্রথমে বসে। শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে। Assertive  – He is not in the school. Interrogative  – Is he in the school? Assertive  – I shall not go to Sirajganj tomorrow. Interrogative  – Shall I go to Sirajganj tomorrow? Rule 3: Auxiliary verb বিহীন Assertive sentence interrogative এ রুপান্তর করার সময় – Subject and tense অনুযায়ী don’t/ ...