Theme writing hsc | HSC Poem Main Theme | HSC Theme | Hsc English Poems Sumamry
Theme writing hsc | HSC Poem Main Theme | HSC Theme | Hsc English Poems Summary
To Daffodils by Robert Herrick theme
Daffodils: The poem Daffodils is a famous poem of Robert Herrick who is a cavalier poet. In this poem, the poet praises the flower daffodils. He also tells that daffodils fade very quickly. He compares daffodils with human being. Man grows fast for death and decay. Similarly daffodils bloom and fade very fast. Both human being and daffodils are transient on the Earth.
Time You Old Gypsy Man Theme
Time You Old Gypsy Man: “Time you old Gypsy Man” is a poem of Ralph Hodgson. In this poem the poet compares time with old gypsy man. A gipsy man does not stay a long time in a particular place. He moves and moves for the purpose of life. Similarly time is moving. It never stops in a particular place. Time only knows how to move forward and forward. This is a universal truth.
Traffic Police Main Theme
Traffic Police: Traffic Police is a wonderful poem where we see the pathetic condition of traffic police. In this poem the traffic police himself is the speaker. He stands on the road and controls the traffic. He does not care what the weather is rather he stays on the middle of the road and controls the traffic. He performs his duty in the sun or rain. His days are unpredictable. For him we are safe on the road. So the traffic police is an important person in city.
Blow, Blow, thou Winter Wind Theme
Blow, Blow, thou Winter Wind: “Blow, Blow, thou Winter Wind” is actually a song taken from the drama “As you like it” written by William Shakespeare. Here the poet tells that love and friendship are the two important demands of human life. He also shows a contrast between nature and human beings. Here he tells than human ingratitude is more bitter than the cold winter in the Greenwood Tree. So he glorifies winter wind and invites it to blow
The Schoolboy Theme HSC
The Schoolboy: “The Schoolboy” is a nice poem written by William Blake who is a pre-romantic poet and painter in English. In this poem we see a little school boy who does not want to go to school rather he wants enjoy the morning birds songs. He does not enjoy the school for the Bloody teacher. He feels frustration in the class. He wants to enjoy summer day. So he requests his parents to give him a free life.Dream Poem Theme for Hsc
Dreams: The poem ‘Dreams’ has been written by Langston Hughes who is an American poet. In this poem the poet tells us to hold fast to dream. He tells that without dream our life will be like a broken winged bird and a barren field. Dream is the important thing of human life. Without dreams life is impossible to have its existence. So we should hold fast to dream.
September 1,1939 poem them for hsc
September 1,1939: “September 1,1939” is a poem of WH Auden. In this poem, we see the uncertainty and fear for the outbreak of the second World War. Sitting on a bar, he see the war of victims losing their hopes and aspirations. He also thinks that all the leader of the world has gone into mad and seeks blood in the war. September night smells of deathThe Lake Isle of Innisfree poem theme for hsc
The Lake Isle of Innisfree: “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” has been written by the Irish poet named William Butler Yeats. In this poem we see that the poet is not happy for the urban life which is full of sound and fury. He wants to go back in Innisfree where he will build small cabin. He there will grow crops. He longs for serene and tranquil atmosphere for peace of mind.
Out Out poem theme for hsc
Out Out: The poem “Out Out” is an outstanding poem of Robert Frost. In this poem we see a boy who lost his hand forever in a saw machine and for heavy blood shedding, he dies. This poem deals with one of the evil aspects of modern mechanical world. The main theme of this poem is inhuman child labour and a little payment in exchange for it.
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