Report writing on Food Adulteration

Food Adulteration & Health Concern

Staff Correspondent

It is matter of great concern of all that unsafe food serves as a growth medium for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Food borne diseases may turn fatal and even cause death. 

There is lead in turmeric, formalin in fish, fruits, vegetables and milk. High concentration of pesticides and chemical preservatives are found in fresh produces. Studies show that farmers use a concoction of toxic chemicals to fight pests and they indiscriminately use chemicals in crops to extend shelf life without showing any concern for the health of consumers. We also know of contamination by microorganisms leading to acute food poisoning.

Contaminated foods can carry harmful contaminants,chemicals, parasites and toxins. Application of excessive and unauthorised additives and colours for making food items tasty and attractive can be lethal as many such chemicals may cause cancer and other life threatening ailments. Millions of people of our country become ill from foodborne pathogens each year.On the basis of a surveydone from 2010 to 2013,the Public Health Institute stated that 50%of all food items were found to be adulterated.Greed for fast profit among food traders has led to today's alarming situation. 

The relevant government agencies for food safety have a role to play in consumer protection. They need to educate producers on how to produce safe food, and at the same time punish people who deliberately sell unsafe food. The Bangladesh Food Safety Authority was incorporated in 2013 as an Act to help coordinate food control and consumer protection activities across the country. FAO is providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Food in this regard. But there is also the need for political will to devote sufficient public resources to make the system operational and effective in the longer term.


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