The hare and the tortoise 🐢


Slow and steady wins the race.

Long ago there lived a hare in a jungle. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare always feel pride in his fast speed. But the tortoise was slow in his speed. So, the hare always insulted the tortoise for his slow speed and used to challenge him to defeat in a race.

Hearing such nasty challenge the tortoise felt dishonored and one day he accepted the challenge. They went to a fox and requested him to be the judge of the race. The fox agreed and fixed a date.

On the fixed day, the race began. The hare and the tortoise started running. After a few minutes the hare covered more than a mile. He looked back and found the tortoise far behind him. So, he decided to take some rest. On the contrary, the tortoise ran at a stretch. At one time he found the hare sleeping under a tree and passed him silently.

When it was afternoon, the hare woke up and started running faster. But alas! It was too late. The tortoise had already touched the winning point.

The hare felt shameful and said himself, “Slow and steady wins the race. Pride never brings any success.”


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