121. | interest | interest | interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting | interestingly |
122. | invent | invention | inventive | inventively |
123. | invite | invitation, invite | inviting | invitingly |
124. | know | knowledge | knowledgeable, known | knowingly, knowledgeably |
125. | enlarge | enlargement | large | largely |
126. | laugh | laugh | laughable | laughably |
127. | outlaw | law | lawful | lawfully |
128. | legalize | legality | legal | legally |
129. | lengthen | length | lengthy | lengthily |
130. | light, lighten | light | light | lightly |
131. | locate, | location | local | locally |
132. | love | love | lovable, lovely | lovingly |
133. | lower | low | low, lower | low |
134. | man | man, mankind | manly | mannishly, manfully |
135. | mark | mark | marked | markedly |
136. | match | match | matchless | matchlessly |
137 | materialize | material, materialism | immaterial, materialistic | materially |
138. | mean | meaning, meaningfulness | meaningful, meaningless | meaningfully, meaninglessly |
139. | measure | measurement | measurable | immeasurably |
140. | memorize | memory | memorable | memorably |
141. | mind | mind, mindlessness | mindless, mindful | mindlessly |
142. | minimize | minimum | minimal | minimally |
143. | mistake | mistake | mistaken | mistakenly |
144. | moralize | moral, morality | moral, moralistic | morally |
145. | mother | mother, motherhood | motherly | |
146 | move | move, movement | movable, moving | movingly |
147. | murder | murder | murderous | murderously |
148. | name, rename | name | named, unnamed, nameless | namely |
149. | nationalize | nation, nationalization, nationality | national, nationalistic | nationally |
150. | naturalize | nature, naturalist, naturalization, | natural, naturalistic | naturally |
151. | necessitate | necessity | necessary | necessarily |
152. | need | need | needy | needlessly |
153. | unnerve | nerve, nervousness | nervous, nervy, | nervously, nervelessly |
154. | renew | news, newness | new, renewable | newly, anew |
155. | normalize | normality | normal | normally |
156. | notice | notice | noticeable | noticeably |
157. | obey | obedience | obedient | obediently |
158. | offend | offence | offensive | offensively |
159. | officiate | office | official | officially |
160. | open | openness | open | openly |
161. | operate, cooperate | operation | operational, operative | operationally |
162. | opt | option | optional | optionally |
163. | originate | origin | original | originally |
164. | pain | pain | painful, painless | painfully, painlessly |
165. | part, impart | part, partition | partial, impartial | partially, partly |
166. | pacify | peace | peaceful | peacefully |
167. | perfect | perfection | perfect | perfectly |
168. | personalize, personify | person, personality | personal, personalized | personally |
169. | persuade | persuasion, persuasiveness | persuasive | persuasively |
170. | play, outplay | play, playfulness | playful, playable | playfully |
171. | please | pleasure | pleasant, pleasurable | pleasantly, unpleasantly |
172. | point | point, pointlessness | pointed, pointless | pointlessly, pointedly |
173. | politicize | politics | political, politicized | politically |
174. | popularize | popularity | popular | popularly |
175. | power, empower | power | powerful, powerless | powerfully |
176. | prefer | preference | preferable, preferred | preferably |
177. | present | presence, presentation, | present, presentable | presently |
178. | privatize | privacy, privatization | private | privately |
179. | profit | profit, profitability | profitable | profitably |
180. | progress | progress, progression | progressive | progressively |
List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs:
67. | doubt | doubt | doubtful | doubtfully |
68. | dream | dream | dreamless, dreamy | dreamily |
69. | dress | dress | dressed, dressy | dressily |
70. | drink | drink, drunkenness | drunk, drunken | drunkenly |
71. | ease | ease, easiness | easy | easily |
72. | educate | education | educated, educational | educationally |
73. | effect | effect, effectiveness | effective | effectively |
74. | electrify | electricity | electric, electrical | electrically |
75. | embarrass | embarrassment | embarrassed, embarrassing | embarrassingly |
76. | emphasize | emphasis | emphatic | emphatically |
77. | encourage | encouragement | encouraged, encouraging | encouragingly |
78. | end | end | unending, endless | endlessly |
80. | energize | energy | energetic | energetically |
81. | enjoy | enjoyment | enjoyable | enjoyably |
82. | entertain | entertainment | entertaining | entertainingly |
83. | enthuse | enthusiasm | enthusiastic | enthusiastically |
84. | equalize | equality | equal | equally |
85. | excel | excellence | excellent | excellently |
86. | excite | excitement | excitable, excited, exciting | excitedly, excitingly |
87. | excuse | excuse | excusable | excusably |
88. | expect | expectation | expectant | expectantly, |
89. | expend | expenditure, expense | expensive | expensively |
90. | experiment | experiment | experimental | experimentally |
91. | explain | explanation | explanatory, explicable | inexplicably |
92. | explode | explosion | explosive | explosively |
93. | express | expression | expressive | expressively |
94. | familiarize | familiarity | familiar | familiarly |
95. | fashion | fashion | fashionable | fashionably |
96. | fear | fear | fearful, fearless, fearsome | fearfully, fearlessly |
97. | finalize | final | final | finally |
98. | fish | fish, fishing | fishy | fishily |
99. | fit | fit | fitted | fittingly |
100. | force | force | forceful, forcible | forcefully, forcibly |
101. | forget | forgetfulness | forgetful | forgetfully |
102. | formalize | formality | formal | formally |
103. | frequent | frequency | frequent | frequently |
104. | freshen | freshness | fresh | freshly |
105. | frighten | fright | frightened, frightening, frightful | frighteningly, frightfully |
106. | harden | hardship | hard | hard, hardly |
107. | harm | harm, harmfulness | harmful, harmless | harmfully, harmlessly |
108. | heat, overheat | heat | heated | heatedly |
109. | help | help | helpful, helpless | helpfully, helplessly |
110. | hope | hope | hopeful, hopeless | hopefully, hopelessly |
111. | hurry | hurry | hurried | hurriedly |
112. | hurt | hurt | hurtful | hurtfully |
113. | ice | ice | icy | icily |
114. | imagine | imagination | imaginable, imaginative | unimaginably, imaginatively |
115. | impress | impression | impressive | impressively |
116. | increase | increase | increased | increasingly |
117. | infect | infection | infectious | infectiously |
118. | insist | insistence | insistent | insistently |
119. | instruct | instruction | instructive | instructively |
120. | intend | intent, intention | intended, intentional, | intentionally |
1. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs |
2. | enable | ability | able | ably |
3. | accept | acceptance | acceptable | acceptably |
4. | accuse | accusation | accusing | accusingly |
5. | achieve | achievement | achievable | |
6. | act | act, action, activity | active | actively |
7. | add | addition | additional | additionally |
8. | admire | admiration | admirable | admirably |
9. | advise | advice | advisable | advisably |
10. | agree | agreement | agreeable | agreeably |
11. | anger | anger | angry | angrily |
12. | appreciate | appreciation | appreciable, appreciative | appreciatively |
13. | approve | approval | approving | approvingly |
14. | approximate | approximation | approximate | approximately |
15. | argue | argument | arguable, argumentative | arguably |
16. | attend | attention | attentive | attentively |
17. | attract | attraction | attractive | attractively |
18. | base | base, basis | basic | basically |
19. | beautify | beauty | beautiful | beautifully |
20. | believe | belief | believable | believably |
21. | bore | bore, boredom | bored, boring | boringly |
22. | breathe | breath | breathless | breathlessly |
23. | calm | calm, calmness | calm | calmly |
24. | care | care | careful, caring | carefully, carelessly |
25. | centralize | centre, centralization | central, centralized | centrally |
26. | characterize | character | characteristic | characteristically |
27. | circulate | circulation | circular | |
28. | clean | cleanliness | clean | cleanly |
29. | clear | clarity, clearance | clear | clearly |
30. | collect | collection | collective | collectively |
31. | colour | colour | coloured | colourfully |
32. | comfort | comfort | comfortable | comfortably |
33. | compare | comparison | comparable, comparative | comparatively |
34. | compete | competition | competitive, uncompetitive | competitively |
35. | complete | completion | complete | completely |
36. | conclude | conclusion | conclusive | conclusively |
37. | condition | condition | conditional | conditionally, |
38. | confide | confidence | confident, confidential | confidently, confidentially |
39. | confuse | confusion | confused, confusing | confusingly |
40. | consider | consideration | considerable, considerate | considerably |
41. | continue | continuation, continuity | continual, continuous | continually, continuously |
42. | cool | cool, coolness | cool | coolly |
43. | correct | correction, correctness | correct, corrective | correctly |
44. | create | creation, creativity | creative | creatively |
45. | criticize | critic | critical | critically |
46 | accustom | custom | customary | customarily |
47. | dare | dare | daring | daringly |
48. | darken | dark, darkness | dark, darkened, darkening | darkly |
49. | deaden | death | dead, deadly, deathly | deadly, deathly |
50. | deceive | deceit, deception | deceitful, deceptive | deceptively |
51. | decide | decision | decided, decisive | decidedly, decisively |
52. | decorate | decoration | decorative | decoratively |
53. | deepen | deep, depth | deep, deepening | deeply |
54. | defend | defence | defensive | defensively |
55. | define | definition | definite | definitely |
56. | demonstrate | demonstration | demonstrable, demonstrative | demonstrably |
57. | depend | dependent, dependence | dependable | dependably |
58. | describe | description | describable | descriptively |
59. | destroy | destruction | destructive | destructively |
60. | determine | determination | determined | determinedly |
61. | differ, differentiate | difference | different | differently |
62. | direct | direction | direct | directly |
63. | disagree | disagreement | disagreeable | disagreeably |
64.. | disappoint | disappointment | disappointed, disappointing | disappointingly |
65. | distance | distance | distant | distantly |
66. | disturb | disturbance | disturbed, disturbing | disturbingly |