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Articles practice sheet

      English    নূরে আলম স্যার    ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ নূর মোহাম্মদ পাবলিক স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ।    Former Lecturer: BIT, ইংলিশ মিডিয়াম & সাউথ পয়েন্ট স্কুল, ইংলিশ ভার্সন। IELTS instructor @ British Council 01750044274 1. An honest man is true to his (a)--- words. He does not deviate from (b)--- path of honesty. He knows that true happiness consists of (c)--- honesty. He does not fall victim to (d)---greed. He does not hanker after (e)---worldly property. (f)---honest man abstains him from corruption. He does not mix with (g)---corrupted people. He is (h)---man who tries to get pleasure from good deeds. (i)---greed for wealth does not touch him. People should follow the path of (j)---honest people of the society. 2. Truthfulness is (a)--- greatest of all (b)--- virtues which make (c)--- man really great. If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking (d)---  truth, we cannot command (e)--...

Affirmative, negative, interrogative

 Write down in your copy. Convert the following sentences into interrogative (1 to 12). (Answers are given) 1. It is no use memorizing answer for any examination. =Why memorize answer for any examination?  =Is there any use of memorizing answer for any examination? 2. Every man must die. =Is there any man who will not die? 3. Every man hates war. =Is there any man who doesn't hate war? 4. Nobody could ever count my love for you? =Who could ever count my love for you? 5. There is no use of this law. =What is the use of this law? =Is there any use of this law? 6. There is no man happier than Kamal. =Who is happier than Kamal? 7. Friendship is nothing but a name. =What is friendship but a name? =Isn't friendship but a name? 8. Life is nothing but full of actions. =What is life but full of actions? =Isn't life but full of actions? 9. Everybody loves flowers. = Who doesn't love flowers? = Is there anybody but loves flowers? 10. Nobody believes a liar. = Who believes a liar? ...

Articles for practice

 1. ........mother rose in her.  2. ......... more........ happier. 3. I have ......few friends  4. ........ Pacific is .......deepest ocean. 5. Thousands of......people attended in ..... meeting. 6. Akbar.......great is .....powerful leader  7. During ..... liberation war many was killed  8. She  is  ......girl who is very sincere to .....his studies. 9. I am at.....loss. 10. All on....sudden I got the news 11. Fortune favours ..........brave 12. .......... virtuous are blessed. 13. are not always happy. 14. She hit upon .......plan to learn ....... English. 15. Ria speaks ............French like ........French. 16. She pulled him by........ear. 17. Nazrul is called ....... Shelley of Bengal. 18. Narayanganj is called ....... Dundee of Bangladesh. 19. The Headmaster and ......secretary were present  20. The Chairman and ....... president of the committee was present. 21. He has already completed .....fifth and .....sixth ...


  সাধারণ আলোচনাঃ বলতে   গেলে   Articles  অনেক  easy  একটি  grammatical item  ।  J.S.C.  এবং  H.S.C.  পরীক্ষায়   এটি  Fill in the gaps  আকারে   থাকে   ।  J.S.C.  এবং  HSC  উভয় পরীক্ষাতেই ১০ টি  gaps  এর জন্যে  5 marks  থাকে । মনে   রাখতে   হবে , gaps  পূরণ   করতে   গিয়ে   কোথাও   যদি  article  না   বসে   তবে   সেখানে  (×)  বসাতে   হবে   ।   নিচে   সংক্ষেপে  articles  এর   পরিচিতিসহ   এর   সাধারণ  rules  বা   নিয়মগুলো   আলোচনা   করা   হল   ।   Articles  এর পরিচিতিঃ ইংরেজিতে   কোন   কিছুকে   নির্দিষ্ট   বা   অনির্দিষ্ট   করে   বুঝানোর   জন্য   ব্যবহৃত  a, an  এবং  the  এই   তিনটি  word  কে  Article  বলা   হয়   ।...