7. a) X b) a c) an d) the e) X f) X g) the h) X i) a j) X
8. a) X b) a c) a d) the e) a f) the g) An h) the i) X j) an
9. a) A b) X c) the d) the e) X f) X g) X h) a i) X j) a
10. a) a b) the c) The d) a e) the f) X g) X h) The i) a j) X
11. One day I met (a) -- lame man. After talking for a while he showed me (b) -- identity card. Seeing (c) -- identity card I came to know that he was (d) - university student. After completing his (e) -- study he joined (f) - army. During the Liberation War he fought (g) -- bravely against (h) --occupied army of the then. West Pakistan. But it is (i) -- irony of fate that a bullet of (j) - enemies hit on his leg. Thus he lost his leg.
12. A library is (a) -- part and parcel of (b) -- educational institution. It is (c) -- unique place where books of different subjects are kept for (d) - reading. It enables (e) - readers to read books of their choice that create (f) -- enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g) -- visit to (h) -- library regularly. They can borrow books for (i) -- certain period and return them after them after (j) -- given time.
13. Money cannot buy happiness. Frankly speaking money is (b) -- must for our life. But it is not (c) -- necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) -- psychological thing. It is (e) - name of (f) - feeling. It means the contentment of (g) - mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and contents with his life is (h) - really a happy man. Happiness cannot be purchased with (i) -- money. No doubt, money has got something to do with (j) -- happiness but it cannot give us happiness.
14. Patriotism is a noble (a) -- virtue. It inspires (b) -- man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his (c) -- country. (d) -- Man without patriotism is no better than (e) - beast. A true patriot is honored by (f) - all. He thinks for (g) -- welfare of his country. On (h) - other hand (i) - unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest. Those who die for (j) - country are true patriot.
15. Our life is (a) -- sum total of ours days and years. But all days are not equally memorable to us. Most of (b) - days are forgotten with (c) -- passage of time. Only (d) - few of these days ever fresh in our memory. My (e) -- first day at school is such (f) -- day. It is fresh in my mind even now. When I was (g) -- boy of six, my father proposed that I should be admitted into (h) - school in (i) -- class 1 felt (j) -- joy and fear.
16. Unemployment is (a) -- great social evil. All (b) -- able-bodied persons in a society should be engaged in any occupation. (c) -- unemployment man has to lead a vagabond life. Life becomes (d) -- curse and burden to him. He has (e) -- idle's brain which very soon becomes (f) -- devil's workshop. There are many reason of (g) -- unemployment in our country. Bangladesh is not (h) -- industrialized country. The mills and factories that we have, can give employment to (i) - limited number of people. Similar is the case with (j) -- agriculture.
17. Punctuality is of great value to (a) - student. (b) - Unpunctual boy who is late in (c) -- class will miss (d) - part of his lesson and fall (e) - behind other students. But (f) -- punctual student will learn his lesson in (g) - time and do well in (h) - examination. Punctuality is (i) - key to success in life. We all should be (j) - punctual in our activities.
18. Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her (a) -- husband. During marriage ceremony (b) -- section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from (c) -- guardians of the brides. (d) - Poor illiterate girls become (e) -- victims of dowry. If (f) -- guardians fail to fulfill (g) -- demand of (h) - bridegroom, the brides are maltreated. So, the poor cannot think of marriage of their daughters. It is (i) -- social curse. This can be eliminated by changing the outlook of the people specially the male (j) -- members.
19. Journey is always (a) - pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey my heart leaps with (b) -- joy. But (c) - journey by boat gives me (d) -- greatest pleasure. Since Bangladesh is a land of (e) - rivers, it is (f) -- easy matter to make (g) -- journey by boat. Whenever I get (h) - opportunity to make (i) -- journey by boat. I make (j) - best use of the opportunity.
20. It was (a) -- dark night. A blind man was walking along (b) -- road with (c) - lamp in his hand. Two men laughed at (d) -- blind man. One said, "What's (e) -- use of (f) - lamp to a blind man?" The other called him (g) -- fool. The blind man heard this and said, "It's for those who're (h) -- careless."What (i) -- surprise," said (j) -- others.
Answers 11 to 20
11. a)a, b) an, c) the, d) a, e) X, f) the, g) X, h) the, i) an, j) X
12. a)a, b) an, c) a, d) X, e) the, f) an, g) a, h) the, i) a, j) the
13. a)a, b) X, c) a, d) X, e) the, f) a, g) X, h) X, i) X, j) X
14. a)X, b) a, c) X, d) A, e) a, f) X, g) the, h) the, i) an, j) the
15. a)a, b) the, c) the, d) a, e) X, f) a, g) a, h) X, i) X, j) X16.
Articles Exercises with Answers (21-30)
21. The great ship Titanic sailed for New York from Southampton on April 1912. At that time she was (a) - largest ship. (b) -- tragic sinking of this great (c) -- liner will always be remembered for she went down on her first voyage. Four days after sailing out, while it was across (d) -- icy (e) -- waters of (f) -- North Atlantic, (g) - huge ice berg was suddenly spotted. After (h) - alarm (h) -- had been given (i) -- great ship turned sharply to avoid (j) -- collision.
22. (a) -- Ant is (b) -- industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c) -- ant. If we open (d) -- pages of history, we shall see that (e) --, men who have become great were (f) -- industrious. (g) -- industrious are liked by all. On (h) -- other hand (i) -- idle are hated by all. So industry is (j) -- must to prosper in life.
23. (a) -- Bangladesh is (b) -- land of six seasons. Of all (c) -- seasons I like (d) -- spring is most. It is called (e) -- queen of seasons. It comprises (f) -- Bengali months of (g) -- Falgoon and Chaitra. After (h) -- end of (i) -- winter it comes with all its beauty and (j) -charms. 54. Use article where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.(a) - Student must take care of his health because (b) -- sound mind lives in (c) -sound body. Good health is the key to (d) --. In order to enjoy (e) -- good health (f ) - student must observe (g) -- rules of health (h) -- unhealthy man may be (i) -- processors of vast wealth but he leads an unhappy (j) -life.
24. Industry is the key to (a) -- success in life. The ant is (b) -- industrious insect. No other insect is as (c) -- industrious as the ant. If we turn over (d) -- pages of history, we will see that (e0 -- men who have become great were (f)-- industrious. (g) -- industrious are liked by all. On (h) -- other hand (i) -- idle are hated by all. So, industry is (j) -- must to prosper in life.
25. (a) - Student must take care of his health because (b) -- sound mind lives in (c) -sound body. Good health is the key to (d) --. In order to enjoy (e) -- good health (f ) - student must observe (g) -- rules of health (h) -- unhealthy man may be (i) -- processors of vast wealth but he leads an unhappy (j) -life.
26. Mr. John is (a) -- European. As he is (b) -- Englishman, he knows (c) --English well. He is (d) - honourable to everyone through he is (e) --one-eyed man. One day having (f) -- so he went to (g) -- USA. His brother Jim living there, joined (h) --army 1st year. He is (i) --younger of the two brothers. When Mr. John met his brother, he could not but shed (j) -- tears.
27. Today Bangladesh faces (a) -- number of (b) -- problems. Of all these problems (c) -- population problem is (d) --most acute. Population is no doubt (e) -- great asset of (f) --country but when (g) -- country fails to feed and provide these with (h) -- suitable (i) -- jobs they become (j) -- burden.
28. Everybody knows that industry is (a) -- key to success. (b) -- person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) -- rules of sincerity and never go (d) -- long way (e) -- world . Many (f) -- man is not conscious (g) -- importance of (h) -- it. For which they don't have (i) -- benefit of (j) -- success.
29. Man has no escape from (a) - death. Sooner or later he will die. He dies in (b) -- wars. Many die of diseases and many die by accident. Again (c) -- some die from something excessive but those who die for (d) -- country is martyrs. Many modern weapons can kill (e) -- man in (f) -- moment. Things have been discovered to keep (g) -- dead body alive for long. So, (h) -- man is called mortal. It is (i) -- meaningless effort (j) -- man tries to escape from death.
30. Life is full of (a) -- unfavorable circumstances. (b) -- great men in (c) -- world bravely faced (d) -- adverse situations. There situations bring out (e) -- man's talent qualities. (f) -- man in such circumstances learns many virtues like fortitude and bravery. Only (g) -- brave men can conquer (h) -obstacles of life. (i) -- adverse situation have glorified (j) ---
31. (a) -- morning walk is good for all. It is (b) -- simple exercise and good for health n and (c) -- mentally. In the morning (d) -- air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure air (e) -- makes an active effect on (f) -- walker's health and mind, when (g) -- man enjoys (h) -- beauties and solemnity of (i) -- nature in (j) -- morning.
32. Mecca is an ancient (a) - city. (b) -- first mosque of (c) - world was built there. Hazrat Ibrahim built it. It is known as (d) -- Kaaba mosque. Many days have passed away. Suddenly a hole was found in (e) - wall. Today people all over (f) -- world go to Mecca, they spend m a busy (g) - time there. They forget the activities of this (h) - world. The Muslim of (i) -- whole world gather there and perform (j) -- Hajj.
33. Use article where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. Globalization is (a) --- buzzword now. (b) --- Countries of (c) -- world are now considered as (d) -- neighbours of (e) -- village. (f) -- Globalization creates (g) -- borderless market. But it has many (h) -- harmful effects. It makes (i) -- rich (j) -- richer.
34. English is spoken as (a) -- first language by over 300 million people and used as (b) -- means of communication by (c) -- many more worldwide . Actually (d) -- English language is combination of the words of many languages. This is because (e) -- English dominated many territories. In the ninth and (f) - tenth centuries, (g) -- invaders occupied a large part of (h) -- eastern England. When Britain was conquered by the Normans. (i) - French got the status of the language of the ruling classes. Later on (J) - Greek entered into this language to a great extent.
35. Self - control is at (a) -- root of all virtues. Let a man give rein to his impulses and passions and from that moment he yields up his moral freedom. He is carried along 9b) -- current of life , and becomes (c) -- slave of his strongest desire for (d) -- time being. To be morally free, to be more than (e) -- animal man can be able to resist (f) -- interactive impulse and this by (g) -- exercise of self control. This is the power which constitutes (h) -- real distinction between physical and moral life.(i) -- stronger man is he who , by discipline , exercises(j) -- constant control over his thoughts , his speech and his acts.
36. Everybody knows that sincerity is (a) - key to success. (b) - person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) -- rules of sincerity can never go (d) -- long way in (e) -- world. Many (f) - man is not conscious of (g) -- importance of (h) -- sincerity for which they don't have (i) -- benefit of (j) -- success. However, we should be sincere to our work.
37. Population explosion is (a) -- constant threat to our environment and existence especially in Bangladesh. (b) -- Population is growing at such c -- high rate that (d) -- environment may soon fail to supply (e) -- people with their minimum (f) -- necessities. Unless we take (g) -- immediate step to stop this rapid growth of population, our (h) -- environment will once encounter unpredictable difficulty and (i) -- danger, consequently, (j) -- inhabitants may experience destruction.
38. (a) -- sultan wanted to find out (b) -- honest man to collect taxes in his kingdom. He invited applications and a number of people applied for (c) -- job. (d) -- Sultan was unable to chose the right person. So he asked for (e) -- advice of a wise counselor.
39. As Mr. Patrick is (a) -- European. As he is (b) -- honorary (c) -- English teacher, he knows (d) -- English well. One day having (e) - SOS, he went to (f) -- USA. His brother Milton living there joined (g) -- army last year. He is (h) -- younger of the two. Patrick decided to visit (i) -- world Trade Centre there. It was (j) -- unique opportunity for him.
40. Once (a) - school boy named (b) -- Ahsanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was crossing the road he saw (c) -- old woman lying on the road. She was (d) -- senseless and it was impossible for her to cross (e) - road. People come and pass but no one looks at her. The boy felt (f) -- strong sense of sympathy for her. He rushed to (g) -- lying helpless woman and somehow managed to rescue her from (h) -- accident. The boy also helped her to go her residence. Last but not (i) -- least, the woman prayed to the almighty for (j) -- his betterment.
41. Bangladesh is (a) --land of rivers. There is hardly any country in (b) -- world which has so many rivers. They provide us (c) - lot of fishes all (d) -- year round. Fishing plays (e) -- vital role in our national economy and helps us in (f) -- various way. About half (g) -- million people of our country are engaged in (h) -- fishing and earn their livelihood by catching and selling fishes. It helps us to go (i) -- long way to solve (j) -- unemployment problem of our country.
42. There lived a poor (a) -- man named Rabby. He was (b) -- honest. He would look after a large mango garden(c) -- owner of the garden was a rich man. During (d) -- summer season, some of his friends paid (e) -- visit to his home. It was (f) -- time when mangoes ripe. The owner told (g) -- caretaker to pick up some ripe mangoes. So the caretaker picked up some of the ripe (h) -- mangoes .He gave them to (i) -- guests to taste. The guests tasted (j) -- mangoes but they tasted sour.
43. (a) -- moon awakens in our hearts (b) -- feeling (c) -- of love and tenderness. (d) -- moon has finished (e) -- they use for poets and artists ever since (f) -- stirring of (g) - poetic faculty in men (h) - soft and silvery brightness of the moon which (i) - waves her to charm us is borrowed wholly from (j) -- light of the sun.
41. Begging is not at all (a) -- employment. It is (b) -- charity of (c) -- others. It does not give anything good to (d) -- society. It does not develop (e) -- man's ability or will to be self -reliant. It makes (f) -- man devoid of any sense of self -respect. Those who live by begging cannot claim any dignity in g) -- society, it is regarded as slur (j) -- curse to the society. It is (j) - most disgraceful disreputable means of living.
43. May Day is (a) - international holiday of the working class. May Day has been (b) - symbol for the workers all over (c) -- world. It teaches us to establish an exploitation free (d) -- society. The day reminds us of (e) -- sacrifice made by (f) -- workers of the city of Chicago. It is (g) -- unforgettable event in the history. In our country the day is not (h) -- isolated matter. It has assumed (i) -- special significance in our country. (j) -- unity is also noticed among the working day.
44. Every woman is (a) - potential mother. (b) -- future of a child depends on how it is brought up. In this case (c) -- educated mother plays (d) -- important role. So, (e) -difference between the educated and (f) -- uneducated mother can never be denied. An educated mother can bring a child up better than (g) -- illiterate mother. A good wife means an educated woman. She is the best friend to her (h) - husband. Her words will go (i) -- long way leave (j) -- indelible impression on her husband.
45. Tea is (a) -- refreshing drink. The preparation of tea however is a long but (b) -- interesting process. (c) -- water is first boiled in ( d) -- kettle and (e) -- desired quantity (f) -- tea is put in it . After (g) -- few minutes (h) -- boiled leaves are separated from (i) -- liquour is poured into (j) -- cup and some milk and sugar are mixed with it.
46. (a) -- idle man and (b) -- active man cannot be equal. We know (c) -- story of (d) -- ant and (e) -- grasshopper. (f) -- ant was industrious. On the other hand , the grasshopper was really(g) -- lazy. The ant knew that (h) -- industrious shine. On (i) -- contrary, (j) -- lazy suffers in life.
47. Kamal is (a) -- SSC examinee. He has been suffering from (b) -- fever for about a week. He wants to see (c) - experienced doctor. He has heard much about (d) -- reputation of Mr. Shahin who is (e) -- FRCS. He is one of (f) -- best doctors in our country. He had his degree from (g) - UK. So, Kamal made (h) -- appointment. On (i) --- appointed day, he reached (j) -- doctor's chamber.
48. Man is (a) -- social being. He is (b) -- member of the society. He has (c) -- freedom of choice thought and expression. But everybody should consider that he is not (d) -- only person in society. There are many persons in (e) -- society and they have (f) -- same rights and one expects from one's society . So to form (g) -- peaceful society one should be watchful to see that other's rights are not harmed. Every citizen must cultivate (h) -- habit of obeying (i) -- rules and regulations of (j) -- society.
49. Good manners form (a) -- important part of our education. Our education remains incomplete if we do not learn good manners. In our behavior with (b) - other, we must show proper respect to hem. We should have (c) - sense of property in our conduct. It is necessary for (d) -- cultural and disciplined society. Again, good manners cost us (e) -- nothing, they are often (f) - result of good sense and good nature. The importance of good manners in life is great (g) -- indeed. Everyone likes (h) - man of good manners and is glad to help him. Really this kind of man is (i) -- gentleman in the true sense of (j) - term.
50. Sincerity is (a) -- great virtue. A sincere man works prosperity and get (b) -- desired result. (c) -- rich work sincerity and succeed in making (d) -- anything a success. (e)-- great people are also sincere to their work.. They know (f) -- importance of sincerity. As (g) - poor are insincere to their duties , they always lag behind and suffer only to perform a task property is not (h) -- sincerity . Thy people of our (i) -- country are not aware of its importance . So they should be aware of (j) -- importance of sincerity.
Prepared by Noor E Alam