Animal's idioms
- Night owl– A person who is more awake/active at night
- Early bird – A person who is more awake/active earlier in the morning
- Scared cat – Someone easily frightened by something
- Average bear – An average/typical person
- Get off your high horse – Stop acting like you’re better than other people
- Busy bee – A person who is very active/busy
- Social butterfly – A person who likes going to lots of parties and other social events
- Fish out of water – A person who feels uncomfortable in a new place or situation
- Eager beaver – Someone who is very enthusiastic and works hard
- Sitting duck – Something/someone unprotected – easy to attack
- Cold turkey – Stop doing something very suddenly (He stopped smoking cold turkey.)
- Stool pigeon – An informant – someone who acts as a spy and reports to someone else (often the police)
- Hornet's nest– A situation that could produce a lot of trouble, anger