Preposition এর প্যারা for JSC, SSC, HSC
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1. The Chinese put a lot of emphasis (a) · the unity of the family. In the cities, the parks are often crowded (b) · families spending their time together. 'There are lots of nice, clean parks (c) · people to spend their time in. Sometimes musicians and acrobats perform (d) · the open air to entertain people who are present there. (e) · the evening maû families spend their free time watching television. The Japanese love to take part (f) · sports in their free time. Baseball, golf and martial arts such as judo and karate are especially popular (g) · men. Most students do not have much free time but (h) · their holidays they join English clubs or art clubs. They also love skate boarding which involves riding (i) · a flatpiece of wood that has wheels under it. A lot of practice is needed to keep your balance (j) · the board as it moves.
Answer: (a) on (b) with (c) for (d) in (e) In (f) in (g) with (h) during (i) on (j) on
2. In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an honor he shared (a) · F. W, de Klerk, the white African leader who had freed him (b) · prison three years earlier and negotiated the end (c) · apartheid. Mandela went (d) · to play a prominent role (e) · the world stage as an advocate of human dignity in the face of challenges ranging (f) · political repression to AIDS. He formally left public life (g) · June 2004 before his 86th birthday, telling his adoring countrymen: 'Don't call me. ru call you.' But he remained one (h) · the world's most revered public figures, combining celebrity sparkle (i) · an unwavering message of freedom, respect and human rights. 'He is at the epicenter of our time, ours in South Africa, and yours, wherever you are,' Nadine Gordimer, the South African writer and Nobel Laureate (j) · literature, once remarked.
Answer: (a) with (b) from (c) of (d) on (e) on (f) from (g) in (h) of (i) with (j) for
3. A cook once roasted a duck (a) · his master. The roast looked so delicious that the cook couldn't resist the temptation and ate (b) · one of the drumsticks. When his master sat (c) · to eat he quickly noticed the missing leg and asked what had happened (d) · the other leg. The cook told him that the duck had one leg only. The master was not to be fooled. He said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck. The cook insisted that this duck had only one leg. The master was very annoyed (e) · the stubbornness of the cook and threatened to fire him (f) · his job. Right at that moment the cook looked out (g) · the windwo and swa some ducks resting outside (h) · the courtyard. One of the ducks was standing (i) · one leg and had the other leg folded inside. He drwe the attention (j) ·his master and showed him that some ducks did indeed have one leg.
Answer: (a) for (b) up (c) down (d) to (e) with (f) from (g) of (h) in (i) on (j) of
4. My brothers, I stand before you today (a) · a heart overflowing with grief You are fully aware (b) · the events that are going (c) · and understand their import. We have been trying to do our best to cope (d) · the situation. And yet, unfortunately, the streets of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi and Rangpur are awash (e) · the blood of our brothers. The people of Bengal now want to be free, the people of Bengal nwo want (f) · live, and the people of Bengal nwo want their rights. What have we done that was wrong? After the elections, the people of Bangladesh voted as one for me, (g) · the Awami League. We were to sit in the National Assembly, draft a constitution (h) · ourselves there, and build our country; the people of this land would thereby get economic, political, and cultural freedom.But it is (i) · regret that I have to report to you today that we have passed (j) · twenty-three tragic years; Bengal's history of those years is full of stories of torture inflicted on our people, of blood shed by them repeatedly. Answer: (a) with (b) of (c) on (d) with (e) with (f) to (g) for (h) for (i) with (j) through
5. How safe will the building in the city of Dhaka be (a) · the event of an earthquake? Experts give no straight answer (b) · this question, but call (c) · taking adequate precautions to minimize losses. That Bangladesh lies in the active earthquakeyone is not unknown to Bangladeshis. Alarmed by the recurrence of quakes (d) · recent years, experts have called (e) · the development of an earthquake resistant building code that all buildings should follwo as mandatory. There are two schools (f) · experts regarding earthquakes. One school comprising (g) · engineers and geologists is of the viwe that the recurrence of quakes in recent years should be taken as a signal (h) · a major earthquake. Another school comprising of similar categories (i) · experts, however, believes that the concern should not be amplified, because although there are a number of fault lines (j) · the geographical area comprising Bangladesh, none of them is active enough to pose a major threat.
Answer: (a) in (b) to (c) for (d) during (e) for (f) of (g) of (h) for (i) of (j) in
6. In the past, the common form of marriage (a) · the various cultural groups in Kenya was polygamy and the polygamous families were embedded (b) · extended family units consisting (c) · a man, his several wives and their married sons and children. But (d) · line with the modern world, things are nwo changing there. The old custom of polygamous marriage is yielding (e) · the nwe practice of monogamy, although many polygamous families can still be found (f) · the rural areas of Kenya. Many monogamous Kenyans are nwo living in nuclear families (g) · their single spouses and their children. Maû of them have given (h) · their pastoral lives and have become wage-earners in cities. But they can hardly give (i) · their extended family and lineage connections back (j) · their villages.
Answer-1: (a) among (b) in (c) of (d) in (e) to (f) in (g) with (h) up (i) up (j) in