Complaint Letters

 Complaint letter

Suppose, You are Rafi/ Rafia and your ordered some products from “ABC” online store. Now write a letter to the manager complaining against a damaged product.

28 October 2022

The Manager,

ABC Online Store

Gulshan, Dhaka.

Subject: Compalint About Damaged Product.

Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your kind attention (মনোযোগ) to the following fact that a couple of days ago I ordered some products from your online store. But it is a mater of great regret that one of the products (পণ্য) was damaged. The damaged product (পণ্য) has been sent back (ফেরত) to you. My order No ().

I, therefore, hope that you would  take necessary (যথাযথ) steps to replace the damaged product and oblige thereby

Your faithfully,


Banasree, Dhaka-1219

Complaint letter

Complaint letter about insufficient/poor water supply

25 May, 2020

The Mayor

Dhaka Uttar City Corporation, Dhaka.

Subject: Complaint about insufficient/ poor water supply in our area/ locality .


I, on behalf of the inhabitants of Banasree, Dhaka, would like to inform you that people of the area/ locality have been suffering a lot due to insufficient water supply. At present, water supplied by WASA is insufficient in the morning. People cannot work properly. During the summer season, people suffer  much for insufficient water. The people are facing various types of  problems  for want  of water. Hotels are  failing to cook food due to the water crisis. So we need an immediate solution for this area/ locality.

I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to solve this crisis and oblige thereby.

Yours Sincerely,


On behalf of the inhabitants of Banasree, Dhaka


Prepared by Noor E Alam

University of Dhaka

Complaint letter

12 November 2021

The Mayor / councilor / Commissioner/ Superintendent of Police, Dhaka

Subject: Application for….(taking steps against antisocial activities/ against deteriorating law and order situation / extortionists/ teenage gang/ against mosquito menace)


With due respect I would like to inform you that we are the inhabitants of your concerned area. It has a large population. We have been living here peacefully. But nowadays we are facing problem for _____. People’s life and safety are greatly hampered here for ______ . If stern actions are not taken, our life will become as bad as hell.

I pray and hope that you would be kind enough  to take proper steps as soon as  possible so that we may live peacefully and safely.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of applicant)

On behalf of the applicants

Complaint letter

Complaint letter is in fact a formal letter, that is an application. Complaint Letter against defective goods

08 November, 2022

The Manager

Tanin Plastic Company, Dhaka.

Subject: Complaint against defective goods.


With due respect I would like to inform you that some of the products sent by you as per our order number 3210 dated 06  November 2022 are greatly defective. Among the things four buckets, two jugs and two bowls were found cracked. So, the damaged goods have been sent back to you.

I hope you would kindly replace the defective things at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,

Faisal Ahmed

Distributor, Tanin Plastic Company, Shahjahanpur, Sirajganj


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