
Showing posts from October, 2022

CV in two pages

  10  November 2019 The Manager/ CEO/ Head Teacher ABC International 125/N, Dhanmondi Dhaka-1205 Sub: Application for the post of  post name Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in “The daily Star” published on 1 st  April 2019 for the post of  post name  in your organization, I would like  to offer myself as a candidate for the above mentioned post. For this reason, all my necessary documents along with two copies passport size photographs are enclosed for your kind perusal. Yours faithfully X Resume of (Your Name) Email: Cell number: 01750055274 Personal Details: Name: Rifat Hasan Father's Name: Muktar Ahmed Mother'rs Name: Lipi Akter Mailing address: 125/A, Rampura, Dhaka Permanent address: 125/A, Rampura, Dhaka Religion: Islam Nationality: Bangladeshi (by birth) Date of Birth: 15 th  May 1995 Marital Status: Single Gender: male Educational Qualification: NAME OF EXAM PASSING YEAR G.P.A GROUP/MAJOR BOARD/UNIVERSITY M...

Complaint Letters

 Complaint letter Suppose, You are Rafi/ Rafia and your ordered some products from “ABC” online store. Now write a letter to the manager complaining against a damaged product. 28 October 2022 The Manager, ABC Online Store Gulshan, Dhaka. Subject: Compalint About Damaged Product. Dear Sir, I would like to draw your kind attention (মনোযোগ) to the following fact that a couple of days ago I ordered some products from your online store. But it is a mater of great regret that one of the products (পণ্য) was damaged. The damaged product (পণ্য) has been sent back (ফেরত) to you. My order No (). I, therefore, hope that you would  take necessary (যথাযথ) steps to replace the damaged product and oblige thereby Your faithfully, Rafi Banasree, Dhaka-1219 Complaint letter Complaint letter about insufficient/poor water supply 25 May, 2020 The Mayor Dhaka Uttar City Corporation, Dhaka. Subject: Complaint about insufficient/ poor water supply in our area/ locality . Sir, I, on behalf of the inhab...

Speaking tips

 Some informa

Words starting with E

 E দ্বারা গঠিত সকল শব্দ যেগুলো চাকরি, ভর্তি পরীক্ষার জন্য অতীব প্রয়োজনীয়। Eloquent ➟ বাকপটু Elated~~গর্বিত proud Earthly happiness ➟ পার্থিব সুখ Earthwork ➟ বাঁধ, মাটি দ্বারা তৈরি কাঠামো Echelon ➟ পর্যায় (Stage, Level) Eco-friendly ➟ পরিবেশ সহায়ক Ecologically ➟ বাস্তুতান্ত্রিকভাবে Ecology ➟ বাস্তুবিদ্যা, বাস্তুসংস্থান Economic Emancipation ➟ অর্থনৈতিক মুক্তি/ সামাজিক মুক্তি Effective ➟ কার্যকর/ ফলপ্রসু Efficiency ➟ কার্যকারিতা, দক্ষতা Effluent ➟ প্রবাহ (Stream, Flow) Effort ➟ প্রচেষ্টা Eke Out ➟ অর্জন করা, লাভ করা Electrocute ➟ বিদ্যুতস্পৃষ্ঠ করে মারা/ তড়িত-প্রবাহের সাহায্যে প্রান বিনাশ করা Elevate ➟ উন্নতি করা/উন্নয়নসাধন করা/স্ফীত করা Eliciting ➟ প্রকাশ করা (Reveal) Eligible ➟ উপযুক্ত/ যোগ্য Eliminate ➟ দূর করা, বাদ দেওয়া( Abolish, abrogate) Elimination ➟ বর্জন(Exclusion, Boycott) Elite ➟ অভিজাত ব্যক্তিবর্গ/বাছাই করা অংশ/সেরা অংশ Elsewhere ➟ অন্যত্র, অন্যকোথাও Emanate ➟ নির্গত হওয়া Embargo ➟ নিষেধাজ্ঞা (Ban, prohibition, taboo) Embed ➟ স্থাপন করা, বসানো  দৃঢ়ভাবে গেঁথে যাওয়া...

Preposition worksheet

Preposition: 1. He lives ......Gulshan.....Dhaka. 2. Distribute the mangoes .......Rabbi and Rahi. 3. Distribute the chocolates........Ria,Mira and Tia. 4. Pen ......the line. 5. The pen is .......the table? 5.  The umbrella is ......our head. 6. The sky is ......our head. 7. He leans .........the wall. 8. What are you asking......? 9. Rice sells .........taka 80 per kg. 10. Why are you 11. We celebrate our Victory Day .....the 16th December. 12. He was born ......2000. 13. He will come ......Monday. 14. He will come ........May 20. 15. Water boils .........100 degree Celsius. 16. It has been raining ........ morning. 17. It has been raining .......half an hour. 18. He died ....... Over eating. 19. He died ...... cancer. 20. He has been suffering........fever...... a week. 21. He pulled me ......the ear. 22. Water changes ......vapour .....100 degree Celsius. 23. He fell......the rickshaw. 24. I look forward.......hearing from you soon. 2...

Collective nouns

 A collective noun is a word referring to a collection of things taken as a whole. Most collective nouns in everyday speech are not specific to one kind of thing. For example, the collective noun "group" can be applied to people, or dogs, or objects. Examples of Collective Nouns ✔️Collective noun for bees – Swarm. ✔️Collective noun for fish – Shoal or School. ✔️Collective noun for sheep – Herd. ✔️Collective noun for ships – Fleet. ✔️Collective noun for birds – Flock. ✔️Collective noun for lions – Pride. ✔️Collective noun for wolves – Pack. ✔️Collective noun for ants – Colony. 📚Here are some examples of common collective nouns used for people: A band of musicians A board of directors A choir of singers A class of students A crowd of people A gang of thieves A pack of thieves A panel of experts A team of players A troupe of dancers 📚Common Collective Nouns Used for Animals Here are some examples of common collective nouns used for animals: An army of ant...


  Time (সময় নিয়ে ৩৫টা কথা): ১) এখন কয়টা বাজে? - What is the time now? ২) পৌঁনে ছয়টা - Quarter to six. ৩) সাড়ে ছয়টা - It's half past six. ৪) আপনার ঘড়িতে ক'টা বাজে? - What is the time by your watch? ৫) সময় কত বলতে পার? - Can you tell the time? ৬) আটটা বাজতে দশ মিনিট কম - It's ten minutes to eight. ৭) আটটা বেজে দশ মিনিট- It's ten minutes past eight. ৮) তুমি ক'টার সময় ওঠ? - When do you wake up? ৯) আমি রোজ সকাল সাড়ে ছ'টার সময় উঠি - I wake/get up every morning at half past six. ১০) তোমার ভাই ক'টার সময় নাস্তা খায়? - When dose your brother have his breakfast? ১১) সে আটটা নাগাদ নাস্তা খায় - He takes his breakfast at about 8 O'Clock. ১২) আমার সময় নেই/আমার হাতে সময় নেই - I don't have time ১৩) তিনি নটার একটু আগেই এসে যান - She comes a little before nine. ১৪) তোমার স্কুলে পড়া কখন শেষ হয়? - When do the classes end/get off in your school? ১৫) সোয়া তিনটা সময় পড়া শেষ হয় - The classes end off at quarter past three. ১৬) আপনি রাত্রের খাবার কখন খান?- Wh...

Idioms and phrases

 Top tips for Spoken & IELTS! Speaking is an important part to express ourselves smartly! Native speakers use phrases and idioms frequently to express themselves.  Speaking এ idioms and phrase অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। যদি কেউ speaking এর সময় phrase and idioms use করে তাহলে  score অনেক বৃদ্ধি পাবে। So, learn these idioms  today!  হাজারো #IDIOMS এর ভীড়ে কাজে লাগার মতন জাস্ট ২১০ টা!! 1) All of a sudden/ abruptly/ suddenly – হঠাৎ, আকস্মিকভাবে, 2) All the same – একই রুপ, একই কথা, 3) Above board – প্রকাশ্য, সন্দেহাতীত, 4) After all – তত্সত্ত্বেও, 5) All the while – সর্বক্ষণ, 6) At last – অবশেষে, 7) At random – এলোমেলো, 8) As it were – যেন, বলতে গেলে, 9) At a loss – হতবুদ্ধি, 10) At best – বড়জোর, 11) At times – সময়-সময় 12) Avail of – (কারও পক্ষে) সুযোগ গ্রহণ করা, 13) Break loose – ভেঙ্গে বেরিয়ে পড়া, 14) Break open – ভেঙ্গে খুলে ফেলা, 15) By all means – সকল প্রকারে, 16) By the by – অচিরে, কথা প্রসঙ্গে, 17) Beat about the bush –  কাজের কথা নাবলে অন্য কথা বলা, 18)...

Transformation of sentences worksheet

Transformation of sentences  Write down in your copy Convert the following sentences into interrogative. (Answers are given) 1. Everybody loves flowers. =Who doesn't love flowers? 2. Every man must die. =Is there any man who will not die? 3. Every man hates war. =Is there any man who doesn't hate war? 4. Nobody could ever count my love for you. =Who could ever count my love for you? 5. There is no use of this law. =What is the use of this law? =Is there any use of this law? 6. There is no man happier than Arafat. =Who is happier than Arafat? 7. Friendship is nothing but a name. =What is friendship but a name? =Isn't friendship but a name? 8. Life is nothing but full of actions. =What is life but full of actions? =Isn't life anything but full of actions? 9. It is no use memorizing answer for any examination. =Why memorize answer for any examination? =Is there any use of memorizing answer for any examination? 10. It does not matter/ it matters a li...

Right form of verbs worksheet

 Important right form of verbs: 1. It is 20 years since he (play) football. 2. 20 years passed since we ...........(meet). 3. I could not sleep well for a single night since you .........(leave)me. 4. Run fast lest you........(miss) the train. 5. The patient.... (die) before the doctor (come) 6. The patient .....(die) after the doctor .......(arrive) 7. As soon as he .....(throw) the stone, the birds .......(fly) away. 8. No sooner .........he ......(take) the keys than he ....(enter). 9. Scarcely had/ barely had/ Hardly had he (see) the police when he (run) away. 10. Why ..........(cry) you then? 11. Have you ever.......(be) to England? 12. I went there with a view to (help) a poor man. 13. I look forward to (hear) from you soon. 14. He is accustomed to (gamble). 15. If you had worked hard, you ( succeed ) in life. 16. It is high time we (change) our bad habit. 17. It is long since I (meet) you.  18. He talks as if he (be) a mad. 19. He talked as if (be) a mad. 20. He behaves...

High voltage words

 High voltage vocabulary for IELTS, BCS, Bank Job and MBA admission test, O/A Level 01. Chivalrous- Courteous and attentive to women 02. Pilgrim- who undertakes a journey to a Holy place 03. Stockings - long socks (are used by women) 04. Busybody- A person who eavesdrops on your conversation and comes over to give you suggestions for how to resolve your problems without being asked or invited  05. Misanthropist- a hater of mankind 06. First language means- the natural language 07. Cul-de-sac means- dead end (one side closed street) 08. Parcel means- a piece of land 09. Ruminant - Cud-chewing animal 10. If a substance is cohesive, it tends to- stick together 11. The word "Dilly dally" means- waste time 12. The word "Euphemism" means- description of a disagreeable thing by an agreeable name 13. 'Equivocation' means- Two contrary things in the same statement 14. 'Bill of fare'- a list of dishes at a restaurant 15. A 'Bull market' means- that sha...

Changing sentences

 Easy & Effective Tips to Learn English! Learn Easily & Accurately! নিজে শিখুন এবং শেয়ার করে অন্যকে শেখার সুযোগ দিন। Transformation of sentences for SSC/HSC Examination 1.      Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets. (a)Ripa wrote a letter to her mother yesterday.(passive) (b) She told her mother to send TK.1000 to buy some books.(complex) (c)In the letter, she told her that she should not worry about her studies.(simple) (d)Her mother offer writes to her.(interrogative)(e)She feels that her mother is better than all other mother in the world.(superlative) Ans:(a)Yesterday a letter was written to her mother by Ripa .(b)She told her mother to send TK. 1,000 so that she could buy some books.(c)In the letter she told her not to worry about her studies.(d)Doesn’t her mother often write to her ?(e) She feels that her mother is the best mother in the world. 2.      Read the following passage and tra...