Your School Magazine

 A school magazine is a magazine that contains the writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well renowned school publishes it every year. It is published every year with a remarkable and vital title. Almost all aspects of the school are reflected through it. It is a vital milestone of the progress and prospect of a school. A school magazine generally contains poems, short stories, composition one-act plays, jokes and report of cultural activities of the school. Usually, there is a magazine committee in a school for publishing a magazine. A group of students work together with much encouragement. The headmaster is the chief patron of the magazine. The school authority bears the total expenditure of publication. The school magazine will facilitate the students to develop their dormant creativity as well as their power of thinking and writing. In fact, the school magazine is the first stepping stone for future writers. A young learner really feels so proud and happy when he finds his writing in the magazine.  In a word,  school magazine is the mirror of a school.


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