National flag
National flag is the emblem of a nation. Every independent as well as sovereign country country has a separate national flag. As an independent nation, we have our own national flag. The size of our national flag may be big or small. It differs according to the places where it is to be hoisted. To make the flag, we are to follow a specific rule. It is that the ratio of length and breadth is 5 : 3. The radius of the red circle one-fifth of the length of the national flag. A big flag is used for the buildings, on the other hand, a small flag is used for a car. However, a specification has to be maintained in making a flag. We know that our national flag is green with a red sun in the middle. There are separate meanings of each of the colours. The green color stands for the ever freshness of our nation and the red color bears the memory of the bloody struggle of our country. It also stands for the glory and pride that our country has. Our national flag is our glory and it is very dear to us. So its dignity to us, the people of Bangladesh is vast in extent. We should do the best to uphold its dignity as our freedom fighters laid down their valuable lives in order to free the country from the brutal Pakistani army. We can do it by considering the interest of the nation before our own. Thus, the noble and supreme sacrifice of our freedom fighters will be honoured. Our national flag is the emblem of our glory and pride. We will not be able to live with dignity and honour if we fail to uphold its dignity. Every citizen of our country should take an oath that we will keep the honour of our national flag at the cost of our lives. So, we should put the honour of our national flag at the highest point.