Report writing on facebook

English 2nd Paper: HSC.           Marks 8

 ✅Write a report on Bad Effect of Facebook on The Young Generation

Bad Effect of Facebook on Young Generation

Kamal Hossain, Dhaka, 05 Aprill: 

Facebook is one of the greatest social media in recent times, but it is not free from the bad impacts, which are degrading millions of young people including teenagers morally. According to Larny D. Rosen, Professor of Psychology at California State University, the effects of social media are becoming more and more visible. Some of their findings suggest that the more time spent on Facebook is related to a greater tendency towards narcissistic behaviors among teenagers.


Also, it has been discovered that young adults who spend excessive amount of time on Facebook show more signs of other psychological disorders, including antisocial behaviors, mania, and aggressive tendencies. Additionally, studies have revealed that excessive daily use of social media can negatively affect the health of children, parents, and teenagers alike as they are more prone to anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders as well as more susceptible to future general health problems.


Furthermore, school grades suffer much when students spend too much time on Facebook as their valuable study time is lost. Besides, some studies suggest that so-called teenage "hyper social networkers" are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, drug use, fighting and promiscuity. It is a matter of great concern that the young generation of the underdeveloped and developing countries are gradually being addicted to social media especially Facebook.


However, none of us know the later impact of Facebook on our future young generation of developing countries like Bangladesh. So, our parents must be conscious about the use of social media by their teenage boys and girls.


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