Persuasive writing


Teaching persuasive writing is important because it’s a fundamental step in helping your child think critically. 

The basic features of persuasive writing can be broken down into 5 steps:

Topic sentence

Opening argument 1

Argument 2

Argument 3

Concluding statement

Example 1: A Persuasive Argument Against Littering

You should never litter because it is wrong. Littering pollutes the Earth. Littering is throwing trash around outside, which looks ugly. Littering can also make you sick if it has germs on it. Littering is wrong because it makes the world a dirty, unsanitary place to live.

Example 2: A Persuasive Argument About Cats

Cats are the best pets. They can be left alone all day without getting mad. Cats don’t bark, so they are not noisy like dogs. You don’t have to let cats go outside to use the bathroom. As you can see, cats are less work and easier to take care of than dogs.

Happy ๐Ÿ˜Š learning with Noor E Alam, DU 


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