Preposition (পদান্বয়ী অব্যয়)

Preposition (পদান্বয়ী অব্যয়)

Preposition কাকে বলে? কত প্রকার ও কি কি?
যে সকল শব্দ সাধারণত noun বা pronoun এর পূর্বে বসে noun বা pronoun এর সাথে sentence এর অন্যানো শব্দের সম্পর্ক প্রকাশ করে তাদেরকে preposition বলা হয়।

A preposition is a part of speech that indicates location, direction, time, etc. usually used in front of nouns or pronouns and it shows the relationship between the noun or pronoun and other words of the sentence. On, in, under, after, beside, to, towards, with, etc. are prepositions.


The pen is under the table.
(Here “on” is indicating the location of the pen, it is used in front of a noun “the table,” and it shows the relationship between the mentioned words. So it’s a preposition.)

They sat under the tree.
(Here “under” is indicating the location of “we”, it is used in front of a noun “the tree,” and it shows the relationship between the mentioned words. So it’s a preposition.)

The car was coming towards
(Here “towards” is similarly a preposition because it shows the location of ‘the car”, it is used in front of a pronoun “me”, and it indicates the relationship between the mentioned words.)  

Classification/Types of Prepositions:
Prepositions can be classified in different ways. These are discussed below.

Preposition কে বিভিন্নভাবে বিভক্ত করা যায় । এগুলো নিচে বর্ণনা করা হলো ।

1. Simple Preposition:
সাধারণত sentence এ ব্যবহৃত একক preposition গুলোকে simple preposition বলে ।

The preposition, used in a simple sentence is called simple preposition.

On, in, to, at, from, with, of, off, over, under, etc. are some examples of simple prepositions.


She is living in this room.
I am going to the varsity.
She was looking at me.

2. Compound Preposition:
যে preposition গুলো দুটো noun, pronoun অথবা phrase কে যুক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত হয় তাদেরকে compound preposition বলে।  

The preposition used to join two nouns, pronouns or phrases is called compound preposition.

Between, before, around, about, along, above, etc. are some examples of compound prepositions.


I will complete the work before he comes.

She was asking about this matter.
The river is running across the town.

3. Phrase Preposition:
যে preposition গুলো দলবদ্ধ শব্দ  এবং sentence এর  বিভিন্ন অংশের মধ্যে সম্পর্ক বোঝায় তাদেরকে phrase preposition বলে ।

The prepositions, which are a group of words, showing the relationship among various parts of the sentence, are called phrase prepositions.

In spite of, in front of, in order to, due to, on account of, for the sake of, etc. are some examples of phrase prepositions.


She came here in order to meet me.
We were standing in front of the college.

She could not come here due to her illness.

I did not go to watch the movie assuming that it would be boring.

4. Double Preposition:
দুটো preposition যুক্ত হয়ে একটি নতুন preposition গঠণ করলে তাকে double preposition বলে ।

When two prepositions come together to create a new word, e.g., because of, from behind, within, out of, outside of, etc. are called Double preposition.


He could not come to the meeting because of his illness.
I have to do this work within today.
I have to answer three questions out of all.

5. Preposition of time:
যে preposition কোনো কাজের সময় বা একটি sentence এর noun গুলোর মধ্যে সময়ের সম্পর্ক  নির্দেশ করে  তাকে preposition of time বলে ।

The preposition indicating time in a speech is called preposition of time.


I will try to come at 7:30 pm.
This program will be held in May.
Try to come on Monday.

6. Preposition of place:
যে preposition গুলো কোনোকিছুর অবস্থান নির্দেশ করে তাকে preposition of place বলে।

The preposition, which is used to indicate where something is located, is called preposition of place. Such as behind, under, on, in, at, between, over, etc.


The boy was standing behind the tree.
She lives in Dhanmondi in Dhaka.

7. Preposition of direction:
যে preposition কোনোকিছুর বা কারো দিকে নির্দেশ করে  তাকে preposition of direction বলে ।

The preposition used to indicate the direction of something or someone is called preposition of direction. Such as in, on, under, over, left, right, etc.


The school is situated on the right side of the town.
The jeep is now going over the bridge.
The bird is sitting on the roof.

8. Preposition for an agent:
যে preposition কোনো কাজ ও কাজ সম্পাদনকারীর মধ্যে সম্পর্ক নির্দেশ করে তাকে preposition for agent বলে ।

The preposition used to indicate a relation on the basis of a cause between a work and its doer is called preposition for an agent.


I like to go there with you.
She likes to read the books written by Tagore.

9. Preposition used for Tools, Mechanism or Gadget:
এই preposition গুলো বিভিন্ন noun কে  ( যন্ত্র, বাদ্যযন্ত্র , মেশিন প্রভৃতি ) sentence এর অন্যান্য শব্দের সাথে যুক্ত করে ।

The prepositions which are used in case of tools, mechanism or gadget are called preposition used for tools, mechanism or gadget.


I opened the bottle with the help of an opener.

He likes to go long drives by his car.

She came here on foot.

10. Participle preposition: 
 Participle preposition is a verb ending with ‘-ing’, ‘-en’ or ‘-ed’, which also acts as a preposition. Some of the most common examples of participle prepositions are - given, considering, regarding, provided etc.

Read the following sentences and identify the Participle Prepositions 

Players were given refreshments.

Every detail regarding the meeting was true.

You will succeed provided that you work hard.

You should not leave anything pending for tomorrow.

According to the weather forecast, it will rain today.

Mobile phone is an instant mode of communication between two people.

Owing to the rain, he missed the train.

There was an announcement barring him from attending the assembly.

He was barred from entry on disciplinary grounds.

The book was taken back from him.
Answers - given, regarding, provided, pending, according, between, owing, barring, barred, taken.

It is evident that the words act as a verb as well as preposition; therefore they are ‘Participle Prepositions’.

Concerning, failing, considering, regarding, barred, during, accepting, notwithstanding, expecting, following, excluding, regarding, respected, provided, pending, according, barring, between, given, taken, including, owing etc.


Some common and most important prepositions:

The specific words are used with some particular prepositions. Actually, that some nouns, adjectives, and verbs demand specific preposition is called appropriate preposition.

Here is a list of appropriate prepositions with examples. It will help you understand what the usage of prepositions is.

Aware of: People should be aware of their rights.
Aim at: She aimed at the lion.
Annoyed at: Your brother is annoyed at our plan.
Annoyed with: My mother is annoyed with us.
Access to: We have free access to the information.
Accuse (somebody) of: We should not accuse him of the robbery.
Approve of: I cannot approve of your misconduct.
Adhere to: We should adhere to our strategy.
Admit of: His conduct admits of no defense.
Affix to/on: Please, affix this hallmark to/on the envelop.
Afraid of: She is afraid of working there.
Allot to: Seventy shares were allotted to him.
Amazed at: We are amazed at his manners.
Ambition for: We should have ambition for attaining higher point.
Ambitious 0f: He is ambitious of distinction.
Anxious about: I am anxious about the outcome.
Anxious for: I am anxious for the reward.
Apologize to: You all must apologize to him for your conduct.
Appetite for: They have no appetite for food.
Apply to (person): I applied to him for the position.
Apprised of: We were apprised of the occurrence.
Aptitude for: The girl has no aptitude for art.
Aspiration for / after: The boy has no aspiration for/after riches.
Assent to: They assented to the bid.
Compare with: Himi is often compared with Liza.
Compare to: The girl is compared to spring.
Congenial to: This ether is congenial to sound
Condole with: I condoled with him on his sister’s death.
Confident of: I am confident of success in this instance.
Congratulate on: We congratulated him on his brilliant result.
Consist of: Our family consists of six members.
Consist in: True happiness consists in gratification.
Consistent with: Our works must be consistent with our plan.
Contact with: He has a good contact with the good boys.
Contemporary of: Tayeb was contemporary of Sheikh Mujib.
Contrary to: Your plan is contrary to his.
Control of / over: The boy does not have control of/over himself.
Conversant with: He was not conversant with the plan.
Converted to: He was converted to Islam.
Converted into: The water has been converted into ice.
Convict of: He was convict of trick.
Conducive to: Fresh air is conducive to strength.
Contempt for: Mona Lisa has a strong contempt for pop music.
Confine to: Still the women are confined to the kitchen.
Cope with: Sometimes we cannot cope with so many difficulties.
Charge against: We have 2 charges against him.
Charged with: The chairman was charged with corruption.
Contribution to: Hafsa has much contribution to our women education.
Contribute to: Zahanara Imam has contributed a lot to our women education.
Decide upon: They have not decided upon their plan.
Decide against: The issue was decided against him.
Meditate to: Hamim dedicates all his works to his teachers.
Defer to: The manager has deferred the discussion to the next meeting.
Delight in: Mery finds delight in book.
Delighted at/with: My friends are delighted at/with my result.
Deliver to: The books are delivered to him.
Deprived of: The poor are deprived of the light of education.
Deal in (Business) (something): His brother deals in Jute.
Deal with: His father deals with Mr. Hannan .
Depend on: Our economy depends on industry.
Dependent on: Our economy is dependent on industry.
Desist from: We desisted from doing the work.
Dislike to/ for: Nayem has dislike to/for the boy.
Dispense with: They dispensed with his services.
Dispose of: We disposed of our labor in time.
Dissent from: We dissent from your ideas.
Distrust of: They have no distrust of him.
Devote to: The girl is devoted to reading.
Diffident of: Hannah is diffident of success.
Differ from: She differs from me on this matter.
Different from: They are different from us.
Emphasis on: The principal gave emphasis on his opinion.
Entrust (something to somebody): He entrusted him with the property.
Entrust (somebody with something): He entrusted the book to her.
Escape from: There is no escape from death.
Essential to: Hard work is essential to achievement.
Excel in: The man excels in art.
Exempt from: The students were exempted from fine.
Expose to: Don’t expose it to the sun.
Famous for: Dinajpur is famous for rice.
Faithful to: The dog is faithful to its master.
Favourable to: His speech was favourable to our action.
Favourable for: The situation is favourable for attack.
Fruitful in: His brain is fruitful in trick.
Fruitless of: Our labour is fruitless of any gain.
Fond of: He is fond of music.
Fondness for: He has fondness for sweets.
Foreign to: The idea was foreign to us.
Familiar to: He is familiar to me.
Familiar with: My father is very familiar with Arabic. .
Glory in: We glory in your success.
Good at: He is good at mathematics.
Grateful to: You should be grateful to him.
Guilty of: He is guilty of theft.
Guard against: You should guard against mistakes.
Guard from/against: Guard against such mistakes.
Hang to//on/from: Hang it to/on/from the wall.
Hanker after: Everyone hankers after happiness.
Hear of / about: I heard of/about his father from my friend.
Hesitate at: We should not hesitate at speaking the truth.
Hint at: He hinted at the problem earlier.
Hostile to: No one should be hostile to such a plan.
Identical with: Your idea is identical with mine.
Ignorant of: All of us were ignorant of the problem.
Immaterial to: This is immaterial to your case.
Immune from/ against/ to: We are not immune from/against/to any attack from the enemy.
Import to: The idea imparted to him was wrong.
Impose upon: Himel has imposed upon all of us.
Impute to: The police imputed their crime to the victim’s associates.
Indebted to: They are indebted to you for your help.
Indulge in: Do not indulge in wine.
Infer from: We all could not infer anything from his speech.
Innocent of: The boy is innocent of the charge.
Inquire for/ after: The principal inquired for/ after students.
Insist upon: Himel insisted upon my going there.
Intent on: I am intent on doing that.
Involved in: Himel was not involved in the action.
Indifferent to: Himel is indifferent to our activities.
Influence on: Her success has great influence on my present activities.
Jealous of: Shefa is jealous of my success.
Jest at: We all should not jest at religion.
Judge by: We should not judge a thing only by appearance.
Kind to: My father was kind to the poor.
Kindness to: My father showed kindness to the poor.
Known to: Himel is known to me.
Lack of: The boy has lack of common sense.
Laugh at: Never laugh at the poor.
Libel on: The novel is a libel on human nature.
Liking for: The girl has a liking for me.
Live in: He lives in Dhaka.
Long for / after: Who does not long for/after happiness?
Loyal to: We should be loyal to our government.
Marry to: He was married to Suchi.
Match for: Mahadi has no match for Shakil.
Match with: That colour does not match with that.
Meet with: Yesterday I met with a bus-accident.
Mourn for: The people mourn for their great hero.
Natural to: This behavior is natural to him.
Necessary for/ to: Industry is necessary for/to success.
Object to: We object to that remark.
Occur to: The idea did not occur to Anis at that time.
Open to: Her remark is open to objection.
Oppose to: The principal has opposed to our proposal.
Opposite to: Her house is opposite to mine.
Opposition to: There is no opposition to the bill.
Partake of: Let Himel partake of some food.
Particular about: Bob is very particular about building his life.
Peculiar to: This type of dress is peculiar to Liza.
Permit of: My conduct does not permit of a sympathetic consideration.
Pity for: Himel has no pity for the poor.
Play on: Shefa plays on a piano well.
Play with: Himel played with my feelings.
Pleased with: The principal is pleased with the students.
Point out: At first you should point out the problem.
Point at: Himel pointed his gun at the bird.
Point to: Her speech pointed to some of our defects.
Popular with: Himel is popular with the students for his sense of humour.
Preside over: Himel presided over the meeting.
Preside at: Himel presided at the table.
Prevent from: Grass prevents soil from washed away.
Prior to: Her proposal was placed prior to yours.
Profit by: We all profit by practical experience.
Prefer to: She prefers coffee to tea.
Preference for: I have preference for English novels.
Protest against: The workers will protest against their employers bad activities.
Prejudice against: We have no prejudice against any religion.
Pretext for: This is his pretext for your going there.
Pride in: Shila takes pride in her beauty.
Proficient in: Abir  is proficient in English.
Qualified for: Shayla  is qualified for the post.
Quick at: Ibnul is very quick at mathematics.
Quick of: Rima is quick of understanding the matter.
Reason with: Himel reasoned with me on this issue.
Pity for: Himel has no pity for the poor.
Play on: Ambreen plays on a guitar well.
Play with: She played with my feelings.
Pleased with: The principal is pleased with the students.
Recover from: May your mother recovers from the disease very soon.
Refer to: This statement does not refer to you.
Regard for: We have no regard for this old man.
Relevant to: Your speech was relevant to the concern.
Relieve from /of: This will relieve you from toothache.
Rely on: We should not rely on this fickle-minded man.
Remarkable for: Fariha is remarkable for his oratory.
Remind of: The accident reminds me of my friend’s death.
Reply to: He did not give any reply to her proposa1.
Respect for: Shefa has great respect for me.
Respectful to: We all should be respectful to our teachers.
Respond to: You did not respond to my call.
Rest with a person: Now it rests with you to grant my urge.
Rest upon (something): We rested upon your capacity.
Reward with: The president rewarded him with the medal for his fearless action.
Rebel against: The hostility rebelled against the government.
Related to: Our actions are related to our mentality.
Result from: Viciousness results from frustration.
Rid of: It is high time you got rid of your bad habits.
Rivalry with: They have no rivalry with him.
Rob of: The mugger robbed me of my possessions.
Sanguine of: They are sanguine of success.
Satisfied with: Roy is satisfied with the boy.
Search for: I was searching for these scopes.
Sentence to: Ershad Simder was sentenced to death for murder.
Shame at/for: Your parent feels shame at/for your conduct.
Short of: Himel ran short of money.
Shrink from: Mashfi shrinks from doing this.
Side with: We should side with the blind people.
Smile upon: Fortune smiles upon the brave.
Snatch at: A drowning man snatches at a straw.
Stare at: Sumona stared at me.
Strange to: His name is strange to all of us.
Submit to: At last the protestors submitted to the president.
Sufficient for: These pens are not sufficient for us.
Suffer from: The girl has been suffering from fever for two days.
Suffer for: We must suffer for our misdeeds.
Suitable for/ to: That food is not suitable for/to them.
Supplement to: That document is supplement to that.
Sure of: She was sure of passing the examination.
Surprised at/ by: We all were surprised at/by her performance.
Suspect of: We suspect the boy of theft.
Suspicious for / of: Himel has no sympathy for/of the poon.
Shocked at: Himel was shocked at my conduct.
Similar to: Your idea is similar to mine.
Sanguine of: She is sanguine of her success.
Taste for: He has no taste for music.
Thankful to: She was thankful to you for your help.
Tell on/upon: Smoking tells on/upon our health.
Tide over: We can easily tide over the problem.
Tolerant of: They should be tolerant of opposition.
Tremble with: The kid is trembling with fear.
True to: One should be true to one’s words.
Think of: Mahi should think of the matter.
Unequal to: Suhana feels unequal to the task.
Unite with: We all united with them for better performance.
Urge upon: We urged the issue upon his request.
Useful to(a person) for (a purpose): This technology will be useful to the students for understanding the problem.
Vain of: The girl is vain of her beauty.
Versed in: My father was well versed in politics.
Vest with: She was vested with the authority.
Victim of: We are the victim of the earthquake disaster. .
Victim to: The driver falls in a victim to avarice.
Void of: Her speech is void of any meaning.
Wait upon: He waited upon the guests well.
Want for: You have no want for money now.
Wanting in: The boy is wanting in generosity.
Wish for: They do not wish for riches.
Wander at (something): We wondered at the natural diversity of the place.
Worthy of: Her speech is worthy of praise.
Yield to: They must yield to reason.
Zest for: I have no zest for listening to music.
Zealous for: She was very much zealous for doing the work.

Prepared by: Noor E Alam
University of Dhaka


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