
Showing posts from December, 2023

Formula math

 เฆ—เฆฃিเฆคেเฆฐ เงจเงฆเงฆ⁺ เฆธূเฆค্เฆฐ เฆ“ เฆถเฆฐ্เฆŸเฆ•াเฆŸ เฆŸেเฆ•เฆจিเฆ• ➺ เฆ‡เฆ‰เฆจিเฆ•োเฆก เฆฎ্เฆฏাเฆฅ เฆ•্เฆฏাเฆฐেเฆ•্เฆŸাเฆฐে เฆ•เฆฐা เฆคাเฆ‡ เฆธเฆฌเฆ–াเฆจে เฆธাเฆชোเฆฐ্เฆŸ เฆ•เฆฐเฆฌে  ❏ (๐‘Ž+๐‘)² = ๐‘Ž²+๐‘²+2๐‘Ž๐‘ | = (๐‘Ž – ๐‘)²+4๐‘Ž๐‘ ❏ ๐‘Ž² + ๐‘² = (๐‘Ž+๐‘)² – 2๐‘Ž๐‘ | = (๐‘Ž – ๐‘)²+2๐‘Ž๐‘. ❏ ๐‘ฅ + ⅟๐‘ฅ = ๐‘› ➺ ๐‘ฅ² + ⅟๐‘ฅ² = ๐‘›² – 2 | ๐‘ฅ³ + ⅟๐‘ฅ³ = ๐‘›³ – 3๐‘› ❏ ๐‘ฅ – ⅟๐‘ฅ = ๐‘› ➺ ๐‘ฅ² + ⅟๐‘ฅ² = ๐‘›²+2 | ๐‘ฅ³ + ⅟๐‘ฅ³ = ๐‘›³+ 3๐‘› ❏ (๐‘Ž – ๐‘)² = ๐‘Ž² – 2๐‘Ž๐‘+๐‘² | = (๐‘Ž+๐‘)² – 4๐‘Ž๐‘ ❏ ๐‘Ž² – ๐‘² = (๐‘Ž +๐‘)(๐‘Ž  – ๐‘) ❏ 2(๐‘Ž²+๐‘²) = (๐‘Ž+๐‘)²+(๐‘Ž – ๐‘)² ❏ 4๐‘Ž๐‘ = (๐‘Ž+๐‘)² – (๐‘Ž – ๐‘)² ❏ ๐‘Ž๐‘ = {(๐‘Ž+๐‘)/2}² – {(๐‘Ž – ๐‘)/2}² ๐Ÿ“š เงจ เฆฒเฆ•্เฆทাเฆงিเฆ• เฆช্เฆฐเฆถ্เฆจেเฆฐ เฆธ্เฆฌเงŸংเฆธเฆฎ্เฆชূเฆฐ্เฆฃ เฆœเฆฌ เฆธเฆฒিเฆ‰เฆถเฆจ เฆซ্เฆฐি เฆ…্เฆฏাเฆช.!๐Ÿ”Žเฆธাเฆฐ্เฆš UJS ➺ ❏ (๐‘Ž+๐‘+๐‘)² = ๐‘Ž²+๐‘²+๐‘²+2(๐‘Ž๐‘+๐‘๐‘+๐‘๐‘Ž) ❏ (๐‘Ž+๐‘)³ = ๐‘Ž³+3๐‘Ž²๐‘+3๐‘Ž๐‘²+๐‘³ ❏ (๐‘Ž+๐‘)³ = ๐‘Ž³+๐‘³+3๐‘Ž๐‘(๐‘Ž+๐‘) ❏ ๐‘Ž – ๐‘)³ = ๐‘Ž³ – 3๐‘Ž²๐‘+3๐‘Ž๐‘² – ๐‘³ ❏ (๐‘Ž – ๐‘)³ = ๐‘Ž³ – ๐‘³ – 3๐‘Ž๐‘(๐‘Ž – ๐‘) ❏ ๐‘Ž³+๐‘³ = (๐‘Ž+๐‘) (๐‘Ž² – ๐‘Ž๐‘+๐‘²) ❏ ๐‘Ž³+๐‘³ = (๐‘Ž+๐‘)³ – 3๐‘Ž๐‘(๐‘Ž+๐‘) ❏ ๐‘Ž³ – ๐‘³ = (๐‘Ž – ๐‘) (๐‘Ž²+๐‘Ž๐‘+๐‘²) ❏ ๐‘Ž³ – ๐‘³ = (๐‘Ž – ๐‘)³+3๐‘Ž๐‘(๐‘Ž – ๐‘) ๐Ÿ“š เงจ เฆฒเฆ•্เฆทাเฆงিเฆ• เฆช্เฆฐเฆถ্เฆจেเฆฐ เฆซ্เฆฐি เฆ…্เฆฏাเฆช.!?...

Mobile phone

 A mobile phone makes our lives easier. It can be used for work, business purposes, attending online classes, entertainment, or just talking with friends and family members. Modern smartphones have many useful features. They also have a high-speed internet connection that helps us get what we need quickly and easily. Mobile phones can be used as an alternative to laptops and desktops because they are much more compact and lightweight than their counterparts and are portable. Mobile phones have made communication more accessible than ever before. Mobile phones have encouraged a whole new way of doing things, including taking photos, videos, attending online classes, etc. The latest news and all kinds of information that help in knowledge building are available at students’ fingertips. Mobile phones these days have the capability to do nearly everything computers can do. Students use mobile phones to write assignments and create presentations. Most mobile phones have advanced video a...