A liar shepherd

 A liar shepherd completing story : Once upon a time there was a shepherd in a village. He used to tend a flock of sheep in a nearby field. There was a thick forest next to the field. The shepherd was a great liar. He always got pleasure to cheat people with his lies. While tending sheep in the field, he often cried out, “Wolf, Wolf, help, help!”

A liar shepherd completing story

Ans. Once upon a time there was a shepherd in a village. He used to tend a flock of sheep in a nearby field. There was a thick forest next to the field. The shepherd was a great liar. He always got pleasure to cheat people with his lies. While tending sheep in the field, he often cried out, “Wolf, Wolf, help, help!”

Hearing his shouting the farmers usually left their work and rushed to him in order to save him. But the boy laughed and got pleasure thinking that the farmers were foolish.

One day a wolf really came. The boy now cried aloud to attract the farmers. He cried and cried for help. No farmer responded to his crying because they thought that the shepherd was making fun with them. So, they did not come to help the boy. The wolf found the cowboy alone and killed him. After eating his flesh it went away. The liar shepherd was thus punished for his lie.

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Prepared by Noor E Alam

University of Dhaka 


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