A Tea Stall

 A tea stall is a tiny shop where tea is prepared and served. It is seen on the roadside, in markets, stations, terminals etc. Almost everyone is acquainted with it. In a tea stall, there are one or two long tables and some long benches to sit on. The owner himself/herself or a manager runs the stall. Besides tea or coffee, biscuits, cakes, breads, cigarettes, betel leaf etc are also sold in the tea stall. A tea stall usually opens very early in the morning and closes very late at night. In a tea stall one or two boys serve the customers with tea or other food items they need. Passengers, rickshaw pullers, officials, labourers, passers-by, students, political workers and many others are the customers of tea stall. People from different walks of life discuss their respective issues with one another. Sometimes, the political discussions turn into quarrels. So a tea stall is called a “Mini Shangshad”. People get a fresh cup of tea and a new daily newspaper to read every morning. Thus, a tea stall is not only a centre of getting refreshed with tea but also a place of being informed of various things and exchanging ideas for people. So the tea stall plays an important role in our day to day lives.

Prepared by Noor E Alam


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