
Showing posts from October, 2020

A Festival

 A Festival Bangladesh is a land of different cultures and festivals. A lot of festivals are held in this country around the year. Pahela Baishakh is one of the most colourful festivals through which the Bangalis bid farewell to the old year and welcome the New Year It is celebrated on the first day of Bengali New Year. It is a unique and distinctive festival to the people of all classes, creeds, religions in Bangladesh. Pahela Baishakh has been being observed in our country for about 450 years as traditional culture. The third Mughal emperor, Akbar was the first to introduce this custom in our country. Then, on that day, the tenants were invited to the house of the landlord and they used to pay their rents there. Today also this day is being observed with great enthusiasm. The day is celebrated with traditional festivities across the country. It is a public holiday. Traders and shopkeepers open fresh account books (Hal Khata) and offer sweets to their customers and clients. The da...

Letter writing to father

  How can I write a letter to my father asking him to solve my problems like pay fees, etc.? Dear father,  I hope you are doing well and everyone at home is good too. How is your work going and are you taking your medicines on time? I am optimistic that you will be in the best of your health and spirits. I am also well here. As you know, I am very sincere to my studies. My examination is at hand. I have focussed my full attention to my studies. I am performing well in all my subjects. I am very regular to my classes. I do my homework regularly. For the new academic session, I am required to deposit the fees. Also, I need money for the books suggested by my teacher. I managed to get some books in the library. But a few books are not available in the library. So, I have to buy those books. Oxford Dictionary, Atlas and a book for English composition are urgently required. I do not have sufficient money to buy them. Kindly send me Tk ——— by money order as early as possible so that...

HSC Vocabulary

 HSC Vocabulary💚💙❤️ .......................................................... HSC unit – 1, lesson – 3 (Valentina Tereshkova was born..) এর সকল ধরনের Vocabulary তুমি এখানে আমার blog site: এ পাবে। আমি আমার ছাত্রদের একটু ভিন্নভাবে পড়াবো । আমি সবাইকে কিছু basic Vocabularyশিখতে বলই কারণ তুমি যুদি শব্দের অর্থ না জানো তাহলে লিখবে বা বলবে কি করে। সবচে মজার ব্যপার হল তুমি যুদি HSC এর Vocabulary শেষ করতে পারো তাহলে তোমার ইউনিভার্সিটি ভর্তি পরীক্ষার জন্য ৭০% Vocabulary পড়া শেষ হয়ে যাবে এবং HSC এর এই Vocabulary গুলই অনেক বেশি ব্যবহার হয় প্রতিদিনের কাজেও। সেইসাথে IELTS, Spoken English এ নিজেকে একধাপ এগিয়ে রাখতে পারবে।  সুতরাং একই সাথে তুমি তোমার communication বা ইংরেজিতে কথা বলার জন্য অনেক শব্দের অর্থ পেয়ে যাচ্ছো। HSC English Vocabulary List (Valentina Tereshkova was born..)  Model – 6 Textile- বস্ত্রশিল্প  Distance – দূরত্ব Parachuting – প্যারাশুট  Skydiving – স্কাই ডাইডিং  Cosmonaut – নভোচারী  Expertise – দক্ষতা Undergo – অতি...

A Tea Stall

 A tea stall is a tiny shop where tea is prepared and served. It is seen on the roadside, in markets, stations, terminals etc. Almost everyone is acquainted with it. In a tea stall, there are one or two long tables and some long benches to sit on. The owner himself/herself or a manager runs the stall. Besides tea or coffee, biscuits, cakes, breads, cigarettes, betel leaf etc are also sold in the tea stall. A tea stall usually opens very early in the morning and closes very late at night. In a tea stall one or two boys serve the customers with tea or other food items they need. Passengers, rickshaw pullers, officials, labourers, passers-by, students, political workers and many others are the customers of tea stall. People from different walks of life discuss their respective issues with one another. Sometimes, the political discussions turn into quarrels. So a tea stall is called a “Mini Shangshad”. People get a fresh cup of tea and a new daily newspaper to read every morning. Thus,...

Food Adulteration

 What is food? What do you mean by food adulteration?  What types of foods are generally adulterated? In what ways foods are getting adulterated? What are the reasons behind it? Who is involved in or responsible for it? What are the after-effects of it? How can food adulteration be controlled? Food Adulteration Food is one of the basic needs of human life. It helps human beings to grow up and ensures to survive on earth. It is called human fuel. Unfortunately, these life leading foods are being adulterated indiscriminately. Vegetables, fruits, fishes, oil, milk, milk products, baby foods are mainly being adulterated daily. There are many reasons for food adulteration. The prime cause of food adulteration is the endless greed of the immoral and dishonest businessmen. Human life is less valued to their profit. Many food and beverage industries use poisonous chemicals to keep food fresh look, longer-lasting, and high profit. Through many types of research and surveys, it is found...

Transformation of Sentences

 Affirmative to negative:  Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → Replaced by → None but(person)/ nothing but(things)/ not more than or not less than(number) Ex: Aff: Only Allah can save us. Neg: None but Allah can save  us. Aff: He has only a pen. Neg: He has nothing but a pen. Aff: He has only twenty taka. Neg: He has not more than twenty taka. Rule 2: Must → Replaced by → Cannot but/ Cannot help+ (v+ing). Ex: Aff: We must obey our parents. Neg: we cannot but obey our parents/ we cannot help obeying our parents. Rule 3: Both----and → Replaced by → not only ---- but also. Ex: Aff: Both Ria and Suchi were excited. Neg: Not only Ria but also Suchi were excited. Rule 4: and ( if join two words) → Replaced by → Not only ----- but also. Ex: aff: He was loyal and gentle. Neg: He was not only loyal but also gentle. Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → Replaced by → There is no + attached word + but. Ex: Aff: Every mother loves her child. Neg: There is no...