A Festival
A Festival Bangladesh is a land of different cultures and festivals. A lot of festivals are held in this country around the year. Pahela Baishakh is one of the most colourful festivals through which the Bangalis bid farewell to the old year and welcome the New Year It is celebrated on the first day of Bengali New Year. It is a unique and distinctive festival to the people of all classes, creeds, religions in Bangladesh. Pahela Baishakh has been being observed in our country for about 450 years as traditional culture. The third Mughal emperor, Akbar was the first to introduce this custom in our country. Then, on that day, the tenants were invited to the house of the landlord and they used to pay their rents there. Today also this day is being observed with great enthusiasm. The day is celebrated with traditional festivities across the country. It is a public holiday. Traders and shopkeepers open fresh account books (Hal Khata) and offer sweets to their customers and clients. The da...